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Abolish Modern Slavery – on Day 8 Soroptimists ask for your help

Raising awareness of widespread and multiple forms of slavery is the first step during #16daysofactivism we #Orangetheworld. Today there are more slaves in the world than in any other time of history. An estimated 40 plus million people are in modern slavery. Britain has one of the highest number of slaves in the world, it’s a crisis we cant ignore. Soroptimists raise awareness of modern-day slavery, through their projects worldwide. We #Orangetheworld for #16daysofactivism

40.3 million people are estimated to be trapped in some form of modern slavery in the world today.

136,000 victims estimated in the UK (according to the Global Slavery Index).

6,993 potential victims found in 2018 (UK).

Modern slavery is an umbrella term for all forms of slavery, trafficking and exploitation.

At the core of this crime is deception. Survivors of modern slavery tell stories of being sold a better life. They are often vulnerable, coming from areas where there is little possibility of work. They are offered a job, a chance to make money and to build a new life for themselves. Those who offer these opportunities may even organise their travel to a different country, controlling every aspect of their trip.  The job they are offered turns out to be a lie and instead they are forced to work in difficult and degrading conditions, with little or no pay. The threat of violence, to themselves or their families, hangs over them and traps them in their situation. Even if their trafficker does not physically control them, a mistrust of authority may stop them from going to the police.

This could be the reality for 136,000 men, women and children in the UK. Modern slavery knows no borders, and people of all ages and races can be victims. The 6,993 potential victims referred to the National Crime Agency in 2018 came from 130 different countries, the most common of which were the UK, Albania, and Vietnam. Ref:


Statistics are taken from the Global Slavery Index and the National Crime Agency (UK).