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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Soroptimists share information

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, #Soroptimists welcome a speaker to Elmbridge in March

This month Soroptimists from Elmbridge will be handing out materials to make men and women aware of the symptoms of an often undetected cancer. Here is some information from this significant charity working in the area.

March 12th – Watch out around Elmbridge for posters showing the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. Soroptimists are handing out and delivering symptom diaries and information at stations and GP/maternity clinics in Elmbridge. This month March we welcome a speaker from Target Ovarian Cancer at our monthly meeting on 17th. We support all cancer charities but specifically #TargetOvarianCancer make women aware of the symptoms, support access to diagnosis and early treatment.

Bloated tummy, Always feeling full? Pelvic or abdominal pain? Need to wee more? Occasionally other symptoms can be present e.g. changes in bowel habit i.e. diarrhoea or constipation, extreme fatigue, unexplained weight loss. Symptoms are Frequent happening more than 12 times a month, Persistent they don’t go away, New – they are not normal for you.

Target Ovarian Cancer have symptom diaries so you can track your symptoms ahead of seeing your GP. Check with family if they have suffered with ovarian or breast cancer, be persistent, seek blood tests and scans. Don’t be put off if you know now what is normal/abnormal for your body. Be symptom aware, share info and watch out for your friends too, visit your GP to get checked out full. You can make a difference at work, in the community in your family by talking about this cancer.


  • Cervical screening smear tests will not detect ovarian cancer.
  • Most cases are diagnosed in women who have had the menopause but younger women can also get it
  • The sooner its detected the easier it is to treat. Survival is up to 90% at the earliest stage.
  • Irritable bowel symptoms are similar to ovarian cancer but new cases of IBS are very unlikely in women over age 50.
  • Target Ovarian Cancer is the UK’s leading ovarian cancer charity, working to improve early diagnosis, fund life saving research and provide much needed support to women with the cancer. Their nurse led support line provides confidential information, support and signposting for anyone concerned about ovarian cancer. – Phone: 020 7923 5475