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International Human Rights can impact YOU!

International Human Rights can impact YOU!

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International Human Rights today is the 72nd Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Women’s rights are Human rights – a mantra that became central to global feminism post the 4th World Women’s Conference in Beijing. With the creation of #UNWomen, a single UN body was tasked with accelerating progress in achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development

Achieve Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment

Achieve Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment

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On December 9th, the 15 day of  #16daysofactivism #Soroptimists support women to progress and their efforts to make safe places for themselves at work. As more women find space at the work place, and make positive progress towards leadership roles, they are faced with challenges. Women are targeted for their gender and for progressive roles they have adopted. Female employees suffer harassment. Laws of Prevention of Harassment at work place are in place but more needs to be done. Soroptimists Believe they can Achieve success. #Orangetheworld at #Generationequality #16Daysofactivism #Metoo  

#Soroptimists WILL NOT Tolerate Sexual Exploitation…. WILL YOU?

#Soroptimists WILL NOT Tolerate Sexual Exploitation…. WILL YOU?

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December 8th – Raise your voice against…                   Sexual exploitation is rife in many countries. Commercial sexual exploitation of children involves the sexual exploitation of a child, such as the prostitution of children, child pornography and even sale of children. Soroptimists through their projects create awareness of such a barbaric activity. If you agree, share our posts please!

Discrimination against Women in Rural Communities

Discrimination against Women in Rural Communities

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On December 7th – Day 13 of #16daysofactivism Rural women face the worst impacts of climate disasters, and suffer gender-based discrimination. Soroptimists support their rural sisters for equity and equality for rural women. Today we rise for the hard toil and struggle of women in rural communities who compose almost 50% of the agricultural work force. This unpaid labour is coupled with their responsibilities to their homes. Gender-based discrimination and the suffering from the impact of climate change and disasters affect them disproportionately. Soroptimists Believe to Achieve equity and equality for rural women. #Generationequality this #16daysofactivism. #Orangetheworld

December 17th – Festive Zoom for Club Members and the Soroptimist Community in Weybridge and District

December 17th – Festive Zoom for Club Members and the Soroptimist Community in Weybridge and District


                Join us for an evening of Bird Bingo, chat, festive fun and cheer. Don’t forget to request your bingo cards by post well ahead from Suzette. Ann is awaiting your nominations for the Club Member who is the Soroptimist who has made our club ROCK this year! So far nominations have been received for three members…  join in the fun and send her the name and an emoji or cartoon character which symbolises her character! Get your festive face ready and a glass to wish everyone Good Cheer! Let us not omit those club members who are not online or able top join in the fun. A card, a call, a cake or keepsake means so much. 

Today we remember the Anniversary of the 1989 Montreal Massacre

Today we remember the Anniversary of the 1989 Montreal Massacre

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December 6th  WE REMEMBER The Anniversary of the 1989 Montreal Massacre observed as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada 14 women studying to be engineers at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, became the target of a warped misogynist mind. Anti-feminist hatred peaked when a lone man walked into an educational institution and shot 14 women. #Soroptimists remember the Day and steel their resolve to attain #Generationequality this #16daysofactivism. #Orangetheworld to continue the struggle.  

Day 9 – Violence against Women with Disabilities MUST END

Day 9 – Violence against Women with Disabilities MUST END

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Women and girls with disabilities should rightly demand enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Soroptimists address domestic violence during the pandemic, including at the intersection of gender and disability.  Women and girls with disabilities rightly demand enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. #16daysofactivism #Orangetheworld. Women and girls with disabilities demand all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Soroptimists will be their voice. Soroptimists address the intersection of gender and disability. Stand up and be counted, confront, comment and Join us! #Orangetheworld for #16daysofactivism

Abolish Modern Slavery – on Day 8 Soroptimists ask for your help

Abolish Modern Slavery – on Day 8 Soroptimists ask for your help

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Raising awareness of widespread and multiple forms of slavery is the first step during #16daysofactivism we #Orangetheworld. Today there are more slaves in the world than in any other time of history. An estimated 40 plus million people are in modern slavery. Britain has one of the highest number of slaves in the world, it’s a crisis we cant ignore. Soroptimists raise awareness of modern-day slavery, through their projects worldwide. We #Orangetheworld for #16daysofactivism 40.3 million people are estimated to be trapped in some form of modern slavery in the world today. 136,000 victims estimated in the UK (according to the Global Slavery Index). 6,993 potential victims found in 2018 (UK). Modern slavery is an umbrella term for all forms of slavery, trafficking and exploitation. At the core of this crime is deception. Survivors of modern slavery tell stories of being sold a better life. They

Day 7 is 1st Dec AND World’s AIDs Day

Day 7 is 1st Dec AND World’s AIDs Day

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Day 7 (1st December) is World’s Aids Day Over 103,800 people are living with HIV in the UK.. Soroptimists Believe to Achieve a collaborative response to eliminating stigma and discrimination. We want human rights and gender-responsive approaches to be key to ending the colliding pandemics of HIV and COVID- 19. #Orangetheworld for “Global solidarity, shared responsibility” #16daysofactivism  Soroptimists are sensitive to the challenges faced by people living with HIV, women and girls and key populations. The crisis has widened the social and economic inequalities that increase the vulnerability of marginalized groups to HIV. We #OrangetheWorld on World AIDS Day, because women must be empowered to protect themselves from HIV. We #OrangetheWorld on World AIDS Day, because women must be empowered to protect themselves from HIV. Women and girls dealing with HIV face larger challenges during the COVID 19 crisis. #Orangetheworld for them. #GenerationEquality. @UN_Women @SIGBI1