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Soroptimists EggXS at Easter!

Soroptimists EggXS at Easter!

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March 17th 2023 Nina and the great team at Walton & Hersham Foodbank (@waltonandhershamfb) in Surrey were very grateful to have SI Weybridge’s donation of 130 Easter eggs for local families. Thank you so much for the generous donations dear friends and especially to Brenda for navigating the big purchase (leaving Tesco speechless…) and to both Alison & Brenda local Super #Weybridge #Soroptimists for their speedy delivery last week. Great program community action at a tough time for local families. A small but valued act of kindness by women #standingupforwomenandgirls. Thank you for the Photo Eric Heininger on Unsplash

All women deserve a shout out – on IWD – act TODAY

All women deserve a shout out – on IWD – act TODAY

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Walking  though Charing Cross, London yesterday Soroptimist Caroline my friend could not help but notice the enormous electronic bill board over #CouttsBank.   Today is International Women’s Day. Well done @Coutts, great to see businesses heralding the successes of women leaders in a world dominated in business by men on IWD. Soroptimists  enable the celebration of this day joining with partners around the world to celebrate the successes and achievements of women, the empowerment and enablement of the many organisations striving to educate girls, women and work returners. It’s a day when we can cherish special women in our life, our bestie, a neighbour, a lonely relative who you don’t call up enough, teachers who inspire and educate girls to aim high, paramedics and nurses who cherish our loved ones when they are ill, our girls, our daughters who are striving to redress the losses caused

International Women’s Day started in Russia in 1913…it’s a National Holiday..

International Women’s Day started in Russia in 1913…it’s a National Holiday..

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International Women’s Day is a time for recognising women’s achievements and pushing for gender equality. But how do different countries mark the day? With celebration, with protest, with restrictions? Every year on 8 March, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. The event, which has its roots in the socialist feminist movements of the early 20th century, is now a United Nations-recognised celebration – a day designed to shine a spotlight on women’s achievements and bolster campaigns for gender equality. But while International Women’s Day is recognised around the world, the way it is celebrated looks different from one nation to the next. In some countries, the occasion is treated as an opportunity to praise and honour women – although often this admiration is reserved for women who fit within a narrow and traditional feminine ideal. In other countries, International Women’s Day is still a time for activism

Educate Girls – Access Prosperity & Reduce Gender Bias

Educate Girls – Access Prosperity & Reduce Gender Bias

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#IWD2023 is not just one day… Technology is way too important for women to be excluded from its development and use. Encourage all girls to study school subjects like mathematics, single sciences, technology, programming and keep doors open at ‘A’ level and for university access, it allows girls to access knowledge and exciting well paid STEM careers and prosper, enabling other women’s success in health, wealth and wisdom. Challenge stereotypes, girls should aim high and follow their dreams, so many don’t have the chance yet.  Educate,educate,educate to succeed. Soroptimist bywords. Our SIGBI Soroptimist Diamond Education Grant helps women work returners to retrain and update skills in technology. Club STEM Soroptimist bursaries and grants/prizes enable girls from disadvantaged background to access help and finances. Mary,  a teacher, a Trustee in education and a soroptimist bared the cold today to put up posters in Stoke D’Abernon ahead

Three days – Make a difference #IWD is on Wednesday

Three days – Make a difference #IWD is on Wednesday

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A kind word, a small action, recognition, a neighbourly act, genuine praise, a moment of respite. All small things that matter when women and girls are working to achieve Equity and Equality. On International Women’s Day March 8th think about the women around you in the world who are worthy of equity and freedom to prosper. The UN Day asks us to enable and #EmbraceEquity in our workplace, at home, at school, in health, everywhere where access to technology is needed to educate, empower, enable and allow girls to succeed and add innovation in this world.  Calling all our Soroptimists to take one action locally to highlight the work we do globally. Share posts, put up a #IWD poster in your window, talk to a friend about coming to a meeting as a guest. One hundred years of effort has paid off in so many

TV Recommendation on ALJazeera & March Business Meeting etc etc..

TV Recommendation on ALJazeera & March Business Meeting etc etc..

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Femicide Catch up with Thursday’s excellent ‘Witness’ TV Report on Aljazeera 12-1pm on action against domestic violence and Femicide in Italy. Some inspiring women and men, victim parents and commentators, well done #AlJazeera. March SIWAD Soroptimist Meeting We welcome a guest speaker who can update us on recent legal changes which impact women and our communities at our Soroptimist Business Meeting on March 16th. Do confirm meal requirements, liaise over a lift as applicable and pay your meal and that of any guest to the SI account ahead if plan to join the meal at 7pm. It would be great to have a full member audience for 7.45pm speaker session.   Legal Update The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022, which gained Royal Assent in April last year, came into force on 27 February 2023 in England and Wales.…/legal-age-of-marriage-in-england… IWD March 8th

Watch out for #IWD Posters around Elmbridge

Watch out for #IWD Posters around Elmbridge

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Join women worldwide as we celebrate the UN Women’s Day #IWD2023.  International Women’s Day 2023 campaign theme: #EmbraceEquity For International Women’s Day and beyond, let’s all fully #EmbraceEquity. Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every society’s DNA. And it’s critical to understand the difference between equity and equality. The aim of the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action.Wear purple, wear odd shoes on your feet to display how inequality impacts.

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

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Women young and old are diagnosed with ovarian cancer a silent often deadly disease. Early detection by recognising the symptoms, keeping a symptom diary, accessing clinical evaluation and tests can save a life or expose other hidden female abdominal issues. As working women, wives, mothers, carers, it easy to fail to listen to your body, hesitate to bother a GP and miss that appointment due to limited time. Late diagnosis can mean the difference. During March SI Weybridge & District is sharing information from one of the leading Ovarian Cancer charities, please share our posts to other women. On International Women’s Day this years theme of #embracingequity in the use of #digitalinnovation and technology is close to our aim of improving women’s well being and health. On #IWD2023 check yourself for the symptoms, discuss the symptoms and information sources with other women over a coffee,

#IWD2023 beckons.. SI Weybridge want to #enhanceequity for girls in Elmbridge

#IWD2023 beckons.. SI Weybridge want to #enhanceequity for girls in Elmbridge

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PRIORITISING EDUCATION: EMPOWERING WOMEN AND GIRLS As we meet this month and next to define our UK Program Action for 2023/2024, enabling the education of girls in STEM subjects is high on the agenda. We are seeking women with  experience and an interest in STEM education to help us with project definition and even a local partnership. If you’d like to contribute time or expertise and influence our project work Soroptimists in Elmbridge would love to hear from you, contact Ann (SIWAD Communications Officer) at initially. On 24 January 2023, Soroptimist International (SI) hosted a webinar to celebrate International Day of Education by showcasing our Federation’s important education projects from around the globe. The webinar was exceptionally well attended, seeing hundreds of members from over 30 different countries joining! Maureen Maguire Federation President led the seminar; each Soroptimist Federation President illustrated how their Federation