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Christmas Party 2013

Celebrating together in style at The Golden Lion …

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As usual we used the occasion to collect money for our International President’s 10th December Appeal* in lieu of sending each other Christmas cards.  This year our donation was boosted by a surprise raffle.  The raffle prizes were kindly donated by Jane Howard in memory of her aunt, Veronica Coleman-Rowthorn, our founder member who died this year, a month short of her 100th birthday.  In total £380 was collected.

* 2013-2014 International President’s Appeal: See Solar, Cook Solar

Soroptimist International President, Ann Garvie, has chosen “See Solar, Cook Solar” for her International President’s Appeal:

International President’s Appeal   December 10th“Can you imagine finding time to earn your living if you had to spend hours every day collecting firewood?  Or how you would study with no electric light in the evening?  One quarter of the world’s population do not have reliable access to electricity; 70% of these are women and girls living in developing countries.

“I first became aware of the scale of this problem at CSW in New York in 2012. Several side events highlighted the health implications of the continued use of firewood in generating poisonous air pollution and the perpetual darkness which prevents women and girls from learning. It is a problem that will only get worse with the diminished availability of firewood in the very near future for rural communities in Africa, Asia, and South America.

“That is why I have chosen to support projects providing women with education on renewable sources of energy and solar cookers and lanterns for my December 10 Appeal.

“By financing green solar power and promoting and enabling education and life long learning for women and girls, we will help many more women and girls to fulfil their dreams. See Solar, Cook Solar will be launched on 10 December  2013. The chosen project is ‘Going Solar’ to give cooking pots and lanterns to women and girls.  SI Europe have already shown the benefits that this project can bring.”

To kick start the campaign, Ann has pledged £1,000 and agreed to do a sky dive – she will be looking for sponsors!