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AGM online

We were delighted as a club that we were able to hold our AGM online in April. Given the current situation this looks like the format for the next few weeks/months. We were able to discuss the ongoing projects and distribute our funds to local charities.

In this we included the Winchester Women’s Refuge, the Churches of Winchester Nightshelter and the Trinity Centre for domestic abuse and people in need. There are many worthy causes and we concentrated on those we support on a regular basis.

We are also delighted to welcome to the club four members from the recently closed SI Southampton – Jean Edwardes, Tref Mitchell, Jenny Titcombe and Doreen Davies. We also welcome a returning member Jenny Stratford and a new member Jeni Patrick.

We will have further discussions to incorporate projects which may continue from the Southampton members and also to look at Friendship Links.

Long may SIW continue to grow and hopefully meet face to face again as soon as is possible.