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International Women’s Day celebrated with a walk along the Itchen Valley to St Cross

Contributed by Gina Bird.

For Soroptimists countrywide, marking International Women’s Day on a bridge represents reaching out to women across the world. In keeping with this well established tradition, the Winchester Soroptimists headed firstly for the recently re-furbished Hockley Viaduct.

We were fortunate in having excellent weather for our walk. Here the cheerful group poses with the viaduct in the background.


The group are waving yellow and blue Soroptimist colours on the viaduct. We are tiny, but nonetheless, significant specks on this magnificent edifice; symbolic perhaps of our efforts to make an impact on the lives of women across the world.


The M3 motorway speeds past in the background, while a pastoral idyll lies below us on the near side.


A close-up on the viaduct. Members were delighted to be supported on International Women’s Day by a strong cohort of Soroptimisters and one well-behaved dog.


The walk culminated over the water meadows at the Hundred Men’s Hall, St Cross, seen here in the distance.


Here a delicious ploughman’s lunch was thoroughly appreciated by everyone. How apt, since the hall was originally constructed in The Middle Ages to provide sustenance to wayfarers.


Louise BainbridgeTo complete our day, Louise Bainbridge, architect to the trustees of the historic St Cross buildings and one of our own members, gave us an excellent talk on the background of the buildings and their maintenance.