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November 2021 – National Conference – Marriage – Remembrance Sunday

14 November : Remembrance Sunday

Our President laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in Woking

National Conference

We all enjoyed the Soroptimist International GBI Federation conference at the end of October.  We would have loved to visit the original venue, Llandudno, but Covid did not let us do that.  But all our speakers were so informative and entertaining that the virtual version was a huge success.  We’re already looking forward to the next edition.  It’s theme is ‘Climate for Change’ and it will be in Belfast.  Fingers crossed,  we will all be able to meet for real next time.

Virginity Testing (Prohibition) Bill

This month, Members of Parliament voted to ban virginity tests.  More in this BBC report.

Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill

Parliament is debating the second reading of this proposed change to the law.  MP Pauline Latham wants the minimum age for marriage to be put up from 15 year to 18 years.  Woking Soroptimists think this proposal makes sense because you have to wait until you are and adult (18 years old) to do most things.  Read about the bill here.