Soroptimists Orange the World!
Helping to raise awareness we staged displays at the Artspace, Westland Entertainment Centre, Yeovil Library and Sherborne Abbey.
We planted Orange Tulip bulbs at Westland Entertainment Centre where we hold our Orange Cafes and will be planting more at locations in Sherborne.
The Orange Tulips will be left to naturalise, flowering in the spring reprsenting new beginnings. The colour orange, celebrates women survivors of abuse and their hopes for a brighter future.
Our thanks to Yeovil Library, Yeovil Artspace, Westland Entertainment Centre, Somerset Council Horticultural Department and Sherborne Abbey for their commitment and support
November 25th – December 10th
Soroptimists around the world engage in
16 days of Activism
Say ‘NO’ to violence against women and girls
We have linked with Yeovil Artspace to mark 25th November, a special UN day, raising awareness of gender based violence.
Each shoe represents a life lost to domestic homicide
The colour, Orange, represents a brighter future for survivors
Welcoming new member
President Alison welcomed a new member, Simone, linking her with Soroptimists worldwide. Simone joins us all in our mission to transform the lives of women and girls. EDUCATE, EMPOWER, ENABLE
Very happy children at Reckleford School
In conjunction with the school, we were delighted to fund the gift of a book to every child in the school. The excitement of choosing their very own book and the smiles were a joy to witness.
Our thanks to the Head Teacher and staff for helping to make this possible and for providing the photograph.
Welcome to our new member!
President Alison (left) welcomes new member, Sue (centre) supported by Angela. Sue has joined our worldwide organisation, striving to improve the lives of women and girls.
March 25th
Our first Orange Cafe! we met to mark the 25th of the month, recognising the continuing issue of violent against women and girls. Information of helping agencies was available if requested.
And not to have idle hands, we knitted in Orange, producing ‘Fidget Blankets’ for people suffering dementia.
Like to join us?
Support from a number of sponsors, including local Soroptimists, has succeeded in bringing this magnificent dress back to Somerton in Somerset, where it will be on display at Ace Arts. Hand crafted by disadvantaged women, each piece of embroidery tells a personal story.
For further information, contact ACEarts on their Facebook page.

March 26th. Time to reflect and plan! Together with our Region Membership Officer, we considered how we can engage with more women who share our hope of improving the future for women and girls and encourage them to join us. We can build on the past and look positively towards the future.
It was great to meet and greet women, going about their shopping in the town and offer them a Soroptimist Gift of Spring flowers. The flowers were so well received by very surprised and thankful women who also now know a little bit about how ….
Soroptimists ‘Stand up for Women and Girls!
Celebrating International Womens’ Day
March 8th; UN international womens’ Day and celebrates the contribution of women across the globe
In Saigon, the students in this photograph were celebrating International Women’s Day by offering flowers for a small donation.
Here in Yeovil, we will be in the town, offering a gift of a small bunch of Spring flowers to women out and about the town
We will be in the Borough, Yeovil, offering Spring Flowers to women out and about in the Town.
After our excellent pre Christmas lunch at the Pen Mill Hotel, we will not hold any formal meetings until February. The Executive committee will meet via zoom and as always, the notes of the meeting will be circulated to all members. Time for some R&R to prepare for our 2024 activities.
Members joined by the former Mayor of Yeovil raising awareness of Gender based violence. Each shoe painted orange represents a female who lost her life to domestic abuse in one year. We shared our ‘Loves Me, Loves Me Not’ bookmarks showing strong healthy relationships and highlighting not so healthy traits. Our shoes and posters will now be displayed in the Quedam art centre.
Our thanks for help with this special UN Day go to young artist, Mimi Gafney; Western Decorating Solutions and Dulux decorator supplies for paint and to Jones, Yeovil Builders for spraying the shoes. Thanks also to the Town Centre Management for providing the shelter of a Gazebo
Come and say hello to us, we will be in the Quedam Shopping centre, Yeovil on 25th November from 10am., until 12 noon. We will offer our ‘Loves Me, Loves Me Not’ bookmark to anyone who would like one. The day is the start of 16 days of activism against gender based violence. You can’t miss us. Just look for all the orange shoes, each shoe representing a woman or girl’s life lost to any form of gender based violence.
Preparing for November 25th – the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
These once loved shoes have been sprayed orange, the UN colour for this day. Each shoe represents a woman who has died as a result of domestic abuse.
Our thanks to Jones, local builders, who sprayed the shoes without charge. Thanks also for the donation of paint by Western Decorating Supplies and Dulux Decorating Centre
This poster will be used in our awareness raising Campaign on November 25th.
We will be in Ivel Square in the Quedam, Yeovil from 10a.m.
We will be very happy to talk about our global efforts to achieve a safe world for women and girls and offer our ‘Love Me, Love Me Not’ bookmarks which tell simply, what is a good relationship and what may be not so good.
Four members accepted very kind invitation from Sherborne Food Bank to attend an afternoon tea thanking all the volunteers and organisations that help them. It was a delightful afternoon and an opportunity to meet many involved in supporting the Food Bank, which in turn, supports so many people in great need on a weekly basis. We learnt that at Christmas, an additional delivery is made to ensure that those helped routinely have some Christmas cheer too.
Three members attended Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin, joining with members from over 60 countries. The theme, ‘Challenge the Future’. With some excellent speakers, the opportunity to meet with members from around the world at social events and to see some of the wonderful sites of Dublin. And of course, the Guinness just had to be sampled!
One way in which we support our local community is by collecting unwanted jewellery. This is auctioned and the proceeds are donated to the Breast Care Unit at Yeovil hospital, which is under construction. Over £130K has already been raised in this way.

On July 11th, a cheque was presented to Yeovil Freewheeleers Blood Bikes. Freewheelers is a group of volunteer motorcyclists who support the NHS by transporting urgent medical items. The value of donations to Freewheelers multiplies tenfold in value to NHS savings.
On June 29th, a cheque for £300 was presented to Sherborne Food Bank, enabling them to help people in great need. The CEO will speak at our next meeting, informing us how the charity is operated, how clients are helped and of their future plans. or go to the federation website