President Frances, Rayner and Helen joined 70 other Soroptimists from across the region for SI Wales South Midsummer Madness – a day of fun, food and friendship.
The Pavilion on Haverfordwest Showground was a lovely venue for this interesting and sometimes crazy day! Regional President Bobbie opened the day with an interactive session in which we were asked for ideas of how to celebrate the Region’s 80th anniversary which is coming up very soon. This was followed by an interesting talk from novelist Helen Carey who told us ‘How The Story Unfolds’ and her approach to writing 8 successful novels in the Lavender Road series.
Then it was our turn to “be creative” and decorate a square of fabric as a living petition against human trafficking in the clothing industry. Our squares are part of the Global Blanket campaign – read more about it and view the Stop the Traffik video at www.stopthetraffik.org/uk/
After a sumptuous lunch, we were invited to “unleash our inner goddess” and a fun session of mayhem and madness! The day rounded off with a Curious Cream Tea. An interesting day that was both thought-provoking, active and full of fun and laughter!