What a strange world we’re living in at the moment!
With the Coronavirus crisis and associated restrictions, we are all experiencing an incredible amount of change. We’re having to think differently, do things differently and behave differently. We are all learning to adapt to a new normal. For many the adaptation is easy and for others not so.
Bridgend Soroptimists have been adapting too. Our President, Sharon Dixon, has adopted the theme of Mental Awareness and Well-being for 2020-2021. Sharon explains, “When I say well-being, it’s not just the well-being of others, it’s also about self-care and looking after ourselves. Self-care is doing what makes you happy, being with friends, catching up on the telephone, taking a long walk or a glass of wine on the beach. We need to take care of ourselves so that we can help others.”
“Little did I realise how important this would become during this period of lockdown.”
Despite being in lockdown, Bridgend Soroptimists have been working hard to help where we can. In addition to supporting local and Soroptimist causes and thanking NHS staff, members have been working on projects of their own. As well as knitting, crocheting, sewing and crafting, there has been gardening, building chicken runs, planting and sowing seeds, and catching up on a whole range of long-neglected projects that have been hanging around.
Some of our members have continued to work and have been juggling the additional stresses and strains that working from home brings.
“Everyone is doing their best to get through lockdown and the coronavirus restrictions as best they can. A quick poll of how members are feeling at the moment is summarised in this graphic.
Sharon continues, “It’s interesting that as well as the negative feelings of anxiety and frustration, there is a huge wave of positivity out there, particularly around gratitude, peace and reflection. For me, thinking of our own well-being is vital and, as we’ve all been deprived of face-to-face contact, we’ve worked hard at staying connected and communicating with each other.”
Sharon has been sending out a weekly ‘President’s Ramblings’ email so that members can catch up with each other and share what they are doing. And as well as chatting by phone, the ladies of SI Bridgend are discovering new ways of communicating and embracing WhatsApp, Facetime, Messenger, Facebook, Skype, Zoom and the like.
Sharon says, “It is exciting to be creating such a positive digital community. We’re having coffee mornings, afternoon cuppas, quizzes, singalongs and birthday parties, as well as Soroptimist meetings, of course. Whilst it has been a steep learning curve, it is great to connect with like-minded ladies who make you feel good. I’m looking forward to connecting face-to-face as soon as we can, but in the meantime our virtual gatherings are great fun.”
Would You Like To Get Involved With The Soroptimists?
If you’d like to get involved with us and find out more about being a Soroptimist or if you have an idea for how Bridgend Soroptimists can help you or your organisation, please do get in touch with us using the contact form on the website. Alternatively, you can email us direct at sibridgendsecretary@gmail.com
And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook too to keep up with all our latest news.