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A Successful Conference in Belfast

Six members of SI Bridgend attended the SIGBI 88th Federation Conference held in Belfast at the end of October. In her report following conference, Rayner Rees confirmed that over £600 was raised for Lily’s Leaves through the sale of silver jewellery and the raffle of Barbara Dixon’s embroidered picture on our stall at Conference. This will be match funded and used for the education and empowerment of girls in Nepal – a charity that was very close to Barbara Dixon’s heart.

Helen said that Barbara Dixon’s widower, Alan Dixon, drew the raffle at Conference for the embroidered picture which was won by Sue Bennett of our own club! Rayner and Helen finally had the opportunity to present Sue Bennett with her beautiful tiger at the club meeting on 23 November. Sue was delighted to win the tiger, which was beautifully embroidered by the late Barbara Dixon, past SIGBI Programme Director.

It was Margaret Anthony and Lesley Davies’ first time at Conference and they both told members about their experiences.  Margaret told us of the fact that as “first timers” she and Lesley were given yellow lanyards to identify them which allowed other attendees to make them welcome. Margaret also particularly enjoyed the party atmosphere as well as the camaraderie, fun and friendship.

Lesley’s perspective of Conference was that she was overawed by the size of everything but she, like Margaret, said that everyone had made them very welcome. Lesley enjoyed the speakers and particularly liked the involvement of local young women in the Opening Ceremony which was a good introduction to Soroptimism.

Both Margaret and Lesley enjoyed conference and are looking forward to future conference-going opportunities.