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Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Abuse

Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Abuse

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Last night, Sian Morgan, Chief Executive of Hafan Cymru spoke to Bridgend Soroptimists about her work on domestic abuse and about breaking the cycle of abuse to help people regain their independence. Sian’s career has spanned 40 years working in a variety of government agencies, specialising in growing and developing organisations, building partnerships and getting more people involved. She was Welsh Businesswoman of the Year 2019. Hafan Cymru supports people who find themselves in situations that mean they can’t or don’t know how to live safely. Hafan Cymru helps them find their feet and find independence. Sometimes it is by finding somewhere safe to live, sometimes it’s through a range of services they develop and tailor to each individual situation. The association has been doing this for over 30 years helping women and families to build the confidence to lead the life they hope for.

New Year, New Faces

New Year, New Faces

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Bridgend Soroptimists held their Club AGM last night with high hopes of a year of re-connecting, face-to-face meetings and a welcome return to Soroptimist activity. Gaynor Hoare is continuing for a second year as Club President. In welcoming Lesley Davies as President Elect and Ruth Davies-Kemp as Vice President, President Gaynor was delighted to declare that the Club is truly set fair for the future. President Gaynor expressed her thanks to members for their support and efforts throughout the last year. Although we continued to be disrupted by Covid restrictions, the Club met regularly throughout the year both virtually on Zoom as well as on a number of occasions face-to-face. We have enjoyed a wide range of speakers, discussion sessions and gatherings with members of our Friendship Links across the world – and the Saturday morning Well-being sessions have become a permanent fixture in the