Sharing friendship at Easter
Bridgend Soroptimists were delighted to welcome members of SI Uusikaupunki, their Finnish Friendship link club, to an Easter Bonnet Parade over Zoom. Bridgend President Sharon and 25 members from Bridgend welcomed 8 Finnish members – all adorned with impressive Easter bonnets. Uusikaupunki President Paula explained that SI Uusikaupunki was formed in 1955 and now has 15 members. The friendship link was initiated in the 1950s and has been particularly active in recent years with visits in both directions of members of both clubs. President Paula expressed how much their members had been looking forward to this meeting and hoped that this could become a twice a year event. The meeting opened with the reading of the Soroptimist International Vision and Mission – in English by Lynda Edwards, in Welsh by Eurwen Richards and in Finnish by Susanna Rosendahl. President Sharon lit the candle of friendship