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Regional Meeting November 2021: A New Members Experience

Lynda reports on her first experience at the Regional Meeting.

“My excellent mentor, Marion, keeps me on my toes and suggested we went to the Regional Committee last Saturday, 13th November in Taunton.   I wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about it needless to say but I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.   We had two excellent talks before lunch, the first by two amazing and devoted young women, Gemma and Sophie from the Nelson Trust.   This service was designed to respond to the needs of women accessing treatment who often had significant histories of trauma and abuse both in childhood and as adults.The second was by Natalie Giles from the Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service who had some truly harrowing tales to tell but who has devoted her career to helping women and some men in the most amazing way.   Both talks were fascinating.The agenda of the meeting was dealt with in the afternoon in a swift and business-like manner and we finished early at 3pm.  As a very new member, what I particularly appreciated about the day was the feeling of belonging to something much bigger than just Bristol Soroptimists and meeting people from all over the region from Guernsey to Gloucester over a delicious lunch prepared by the women from the Taunton Club and learning more about the different projects other clubs are involved in.   It was an enjoyable and rewarding day and I would recommend it to others who may not yet have been.”