What did we do during the Summer of 2021!
The Just so Stories: Another visit to The Watermill Theatre, Newbury On the 2nd September Ruth organised another successful outing. We returned to the Watermill theatre, where we have been before, in time for lunch. This was very well organised outside in their lovely garden. The stage had been brought outside too and so we enjoyed the performance on a lovely sunny day shaded by the trees. It was so enjoyable that we hope Ruth will take us there again in the foreseeable future. Tyntesfield: Guided Walk On August 24th, SI Bristol members visited Tyntesfield, for a guided tree walk of magnificent British Isles and County Champion tree specimens with Chris Watts. Chris had introduced us to the trees earlier in the yea via Zoom. It was lovely seeing them at the lovely estate so near to our homes. Thank you Pauline H for organising