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More Trauma Bears go to new homes:  Unseen and The Park Community Centre

More Trauma Bears go to new homes:  Unseen and The Park Community Centre


On September 22nd 2020, 25 Trauma Teddies were handed over to Poppy at the Unseen charity offices in Bristol (top left). The following week 400 Trauma Teddies were delivered to The Park Community Centre in Knowle (bottom left).  We have been connected to Unseen for many years and were delighted to see the outside of their new premises.  Unseen works towards a world without slavery through supporting survivors and providing them with a safe place to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives.  They do not have a children’s safe house but they do have clients with children and the teddies will be very welcome.   Wendy, the Supervisor of Families in Focus South, at The Park Community Centre in Knowle received 400 teddies.  The Centre has kindly agreed to distribute the teddies to Children’s Services across Bristol.

The Head of Clifton High School receives our book “100 Yeas of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion”

The Head of Clifton High School receives our book “100 Yeas of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion”


On Tuesday, 29th September, President Marion presented a copy of our history book to Matthew Bennett, the new Head of Clifton High School. This presentation was particularly important as the founding President of SI Bristol, Miss Eleanor Addison Phillips, was head of Clifton High School from 1908 to 1933. The weather was so nice that the photograph to document the occasion was taken outside the building where Miss Phillips had her office This is just one of a number of books presented to people who have influenced the writing of the book to say “thank you”.  Other books have been donated to significant people/organisations who value the history of Soroptimist International of Bristol and our contribution to both the organisation and the City of Bristol.  

Speaker Zoom Meeting September 14th 2020:  Frauds and Scams in Financial Services – Ryan Taylor NatWest Bank

Speaker Zoom Meeting September 14th 2020:  Frauds and Scams in Financial Services – Ryan Taylor NatWest Bank


We were very pleased to welcome Ryan Taylor from NatWest Bank who enlightened us on frauds and scams in financial services. He said that 1 to 2 billion pounds is lost every year due to fraud and scams. This money often goes to terrorist organisations as well as criminal gangs. Only 5% is ever reported due to reluctance, embarrassment and allied issues. Often the object is gaining information as much as getting money. If a data base is accessed, the details can be sold on to various criminal gangs until eventually “you” end up on a “suckers” list!  People on this list tend to be targeted multiple times.  The approach used by scammers includes charm, sympathy, and helpfulness but if you show signs of non-acceptance the approach ends up with threats and intimidation.  Many fraudsters are articulate post graduate students, who have found it a

A huge “Thank You” to our Sponsors:  Rathbone Greenbank Investments and Kellands Chartered Financial Planners and Renshaw

A huge “Thank You” to our Sponsors:  Rathbone Greenbank Investments and Kellands Chartered Financial Planners and Renshaw


On behalf of SI Bristol President Marion is thanking our sponsors. We had planned to hold our Friendship Weekend in September to celebrate its Centenary.  For obvious reasons, everything was cancelled.  The first event was going to be Alice Roberts talking to Sixth Formers from schools across Bristol (State and Private) in the afternoon and to the General Public in the early evening. We had secured sponsorships from Rathbone Greenbank Investments, Kellands (Bristol) Ltd Chartered Financial Planners and Renshaw .  SI Bristol is delighted to report that both generously agreed to have the funds forwarded directly to our two current charities:  Lifeskills Learning for Living ( and National Centre for Integrative Medicine ( SI Bristol thanks Rathbones, Kellands  and Renshaw for their generosity.  We are grateful for this marvellous boost to our charity contributions during this, our centenary year.  

Teddy Trauma Transfer: Durdham Downs 19th September 2020

Teddy Trauma Transfer: Durdham Downs 19th September 2020


Members of SI Bristol met on Durdham Downs on Saturday, ensuring social distancing, to say good bye to some of our Trauma Teddies. President Marion welcomed the Lord Lieutenant of the City and County of Bristol Peaches Golding and the Lord Mayor of Bristol Jos Clark who both gave talks about the event. Three hundred (of our 900) teddy bears, knitted by members of SI Bristol, family, Regional members and friends, were given to representatives from the Air Ambulance, the Fire Brigade and the Police. The representatives expressed their appreciation. The 100 bears given to each emergency service was another way we marked SI Bristol’s centenary.  The soroptimists present were delighted to know the teddy bears will help to comfort children.

100 Years of Sisterhood Bristol Fashion by Marion Reid Book: Book Launch 13th September 2020 just after International Literacy Day

100 Years of Sisterhood Bristol Fashion by Marion Reid Book: Book Launch 13th September 2020 just after International Literacy Day

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SI Bristol’s Centenary book “100 Years of Sisterhood Bristol Fashion” by our President Marion Reid was launched in Clifton on 13th September.  What excellent timing as each year the 8th September marks UNESCO’s International Literacy day, raising awareness globally on the issues surrounding adult and child literacy. The book is the history of SI Bristol from its inception as a Venture Club, its amalgamation with the Soroptimist Movement to present day, 100 years of service.  The launch was brought forward at short notice due to forth coming changes in the Covid-19 rules.  It was well attended by Soroptimists as well as local author Jane Duffus.  It is an amazing book not to be missed by anyone interested in the history of Bristol. The book can be purchased from: or through What people say “The story of the Bristol Soroptimists is the story of a number of remarkable and

Sue Perry is Recognised as a Committed Soroptimist #Whoisshe

Sue Perry is Recognised as a Committed Soroptimist #Whoisshe


Soroptimist International is almost 100 years old and is celebrating the lives and contributions of  members who have made a difference.  We are proud of Sue Perry who has been chosen as one of some hundred members who are being celebrated.  Below are some of Sue’s achievements. If you want to know something or to get something done, Sue Perry is a go-to person. She joined SI Bristol in 1985 and has been, and still is, one of its most active members.  She has twice been President of the local Club (1996-1997 and 2009-2010) and of the South West and Channel Island Region (1999-2000 and 2013-2014).  She was a Councillor for SW&CI from 2003 to 2007 and co-opted Regional Officer for 2016 – 2018. In 2018 – 2019, Sue shared the role of SW&CI President, covering the February-April period. At national level, Sue was a

Teddy Bear Hospice Handover

Teddy Bear Hospice Handover


On 25th August 2020, 50 Teddy Bears were given to Children’s Hospice South West at Charlton Farm, Wraxall.      Six members of SI Bristol (President Marion, Programme Action Officer Yvonne, Ivete, Lizzie, Pauline C and Sue P) made sure the bears were happy in their new home.  The bears will be given to children, who use the Hospice, to help comfort them. Many thanks to Yvonne for organising the event and to Pauline C who made our lovely new table dressing, which made its debut  

New Friendship Link with SI Oakland 27th July 2020

New Friendship Link with SI Oakland 27th July 2020


In September 2019, President Marion attended a meeting of SI Oakland–The Founder Club. Following a warm reception, the two Clubs have recently established a Friendship Link. How great that the oldest Venture Classification Club (formed in 1920) and the Soroptimist Founder Club (formed in 1921) should be friends. In 1934, Venture Clubs and Soroptimist Clubs amalgamated. Coronavirus permitting, members of SI Bristol are hoping to attend the SI of the Americas centenary celebrations in San Francisco in October 2021.  Due to the Corona Virus it is taking a bit longer to get forms signed and sadly we will have to wait for a new photo hopefully in 2021! Pictured above – Carol from SI Oakland and Marion from SI Bristol, October 2019.