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Railing Against Abuse

Railing Against Abuse


On 25th November 40 Soroptomists from throughout the south west joined SI Weston-super-Mare club in their initiative to raise awareness and support the United Nations Day for the elimination of violence against women. Soroptomists travelled by train to Bristol Temple Meads station (“railing”), many wearing distinctive orange clothing (including wigs) and distributed “Loves me /Loves me not” bookmarks and cards to other passengers. This publicity material has been carefully produced to define in clear and simple terms the difference between good and bad relationships. The group then walked with banners and a loudhailer from Temple Meads to the Lord Mayors Chapel at the bottom of Park Street, in a very orderly fashion whilst continuing to distribute the bookmarks and cards to the public. Those who were unable to walk caught the bus or went direct to the Lord Mayors Chapel. En route we visited Next

Great news from the Learning in Lima Project

Great news from the Learning in Lima Project


This Summer Soroptimists received a welcome visitor from Lima.  Sylva Von Bomsdorff brought with her many photos and news of the progress of the latest project for a library at the School we have been supporting in Lima, Peru. This has been made possible by extending upwards on the original roof/play area. Work was well underway when we saw her and Sylva was presented with a cheque by SI Bristol to assist in the purchase of books and other educational items for the pupils at Padre Pio de Pietricina. This month we heard that the work was completed and the children had been present when a blessing was given to the School library by the local Priest.  Fitting out with bookshelves continues and the room is also capable of using modern technology for the benefit of the teachers and their pupils. This is an important extra

Mary’s Meals: An SI Bristol member’s personal journey to Malawi

Mary’s Meals: An SI Bristol member’s personal journey to Malawi


A video of the Mary’s Meals charity was shown at the SI Bristol business meeting on Monday, 25th July showing how the charity works together with details of various children who have received the food and education given from funds raised which appropriately have improved their lives.  Members could see and hear how over one million children now receive a daily meal and some education in Malawi, one of the poorest nations.  Anne Wike who, has recently visited Malawi for the third time, confirmed that 93% of funds donated went toward the charity’s commitments and activities.  Similarly, all funds are always held in a bank in Scotland in order to ensure complete control of all monies donated.  Anne likewise confirmed she had witnessed for herself the storing and issuing of the backpacks given by Soroptimists to the children to use at their schools. She suggested

SI Bristol supports Zero Tolerance 25.07.16

SI Bristol supports Zero Tolerance 25.07.16


President Pauline Hurst seen here together with club member Gemma Green, signing the club members’ agreement to support the Bristol Zero Tolerance initiative.  The new initiative is working towards Bristol becoming a city free from violence, abuse, harassment and exploitation with the majority of people affected being women and girls. President Pauline stated ‘ As Bristol Soroptimists, we fully support this very worthy cause especially as Bristol is the first city in England to take on this important challenge’ For more information about the Bristol Zero Tolerance initiative please see here:

SIGBI Day of Action – Bristol raise money for Meru Women

SIGBI Day of Action – Bristol raise money for Meru Women


On Sunday 17th July 2016, SI Bristol got together for the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Day of Action. The day aims to encourage all clubs across the world to raise funds for the Soroptimist 3 year project for Meru Women. Over the next three years Soroptimist Clubs will support the Meru Women’s Garden Project (MWGP), a collaboration with, that will educate, empower and enable women and girls in Meru County, Kenya. The project provides sustainable gardening techniques and tools, enabling women to become mentors and pioneers of agricultural sustainability within the community. It will also educate girls on their rights, empowering them to stand up to damaging cultural practices like female genital mutilation (FGM). By providing economic opportunities to women and girls, MWGP will achieve long term change by strengthening entire communities; improving the lives and opportunities for children and generations

Learning in Lima Fundraiser – Cava and Canapes!

Learning in Lima Fundraiser – Cava and Canapes!


In February Soroptimists and friends decided to beat the Winter blues by holding a Cava and Canapés lunch party for our project in Peru. The Padre Pio de Pietrelcina School in Lima is welcoming the pupils back for their Autumn term while we are anticipating a warmer Spring in Bristol. We are hoping to see past Soroptimist member Sylva later this Summer when we will be able to present her with a substantial donation to enable this educational work in Lima to continue to develop.

Supporting Unchosen: Bristol stands against Sexual Exploitation

Supporting Unchosen: Bristol stands against Sexual Exploitation


Following SI Bristol’s successful Gift Box hosting in 2014 to raise awareness of Human Trafficking, we have kept an avid interest in local charities who are seeking to eliminate slavery and exploitation within the UK and beyond. We were delighted to be invited by Bristol based charity Unchosen to have a stand at their event on 2nd March entitled “Bristol stands against Sexual Exploitation”. Unchosen believes that film is a powerful tool that explains Modern Slavery in ways words cannot. The event was a chance for SI Bristol to watch the films created by Unchosen to raise awareness of sexual exploitation, followed by a Q&A on sexual exploitation and the implications of the Modern Slavery Act. The films were introduced by Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens, an active partner and supporter of Unchosen and were well received by all as a realistic and moving portrayal of

Programme Action: Eden House Garden Diary 2015

Programme Action: Eden House Garden Diary 2015

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The vision for beginning an Allotment Project at Eden House came from SI Bristol brainstorming how they could best respond to 2015 being Bristol’s year as European Green Capital. A piece of land approximately 20ft by 10ft was identified as ideal for an allotment. It is an Eden House allotment – volunteers from SI Bristol work under the Client Lead’s direction and garden by way of support to the Clients. Week 1 – 7 April 2015 Four members of SI Bristol met with Penny, the Client Lead. Sue Oakey, a garden and allotment expert also came to advise on how best to plan the allotment and to give other useful gardening tips. The vision was to have a seated area under a tree planted with flowers, where Clients could sit and chat with their workers in confidence as well as plenty of fruit and vegetables that the women

Spend a Penny! – Toilet Twinning Success: Programme Action for 2015

Spend a Penny! – Toilet Twinning Success: Programme Action for 2015

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STOP PRESS SUCCESS STORY! Bristol Soroptimists have raised enough money through their Spend a Penny Campaign to fund the building of a whole school toilet block in Muyebe – an extremely poor rural village in Uganda. We’ve helped young girls, like Bridget below, be able to look forward to a much healthier future and with no disruption to their education. Find out more about Toilet Twinning at SI Bristol – Spend a Penny Campaign Aim:   By donating a coin or two every time we go to the loo, to raise enough funds to become a toilet twinned Soroptimist group in Bristol. What does this mean? By sponsoring and twinning a toilet (or toilet block) in a developing country, we’ll be providing basic sanitation, fresh water and hygiene education to a family or community who, at present, have none. Why support toilet twinning?   Lack of

Programme Action: On-going Activities

Programme Action: On-going Activities

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Learning in Lima & the Women’s Initiative                                                             SI Bristol have been supporting the Learning in Lima project since its inception in 2005. Sylva, a former member of SI Bristol, set up an infants school in Lima after seeing so many children going without basic education. We are proud to support Sylva in her work, through regular fundraising activities and she often pays us a visit when in the UK to keep us updated on the school’s progress. Recently we have contributed to funds to pay for a minibus for the school to assist them in day trips out. The school also supports the children’s mothers by offering them work helping out at the school providing an important community