Face to Face
On 6 September a small group of members met in person for the first time since the start of lock down in March. They visited the garden of fellow member and current NEDDC Chair, Pat Ancliff. Members enjoyed the beautiful garden and wide ranging discussion. Of particular concern was the impact of face masks on the deaf community.
Cheque Presentations

Margaret has been collecting jewellery and other unwanted items from members and friends in order to donate £2889.62 to WaterAid, one of the club’s chosen charities.
Sachibondu Hospital, Zambia

Dr Mark Torkington gave an illustrated talk in June to SI Chesterfield members about his involvement with Sachibondu Health Clinic in Zambia. Having retired as a GP in Chesterfield he is planning to go out to Zambia together with his wife who is a nurse, to help in the new hospital which is currently under construction. He has just completed training in surgical and obstetric skills in preparation for joining the hospital. He recently sent £1100, which included a donation from SI Chesterfield over to the clinic.
Photos of the construction can be found at:
Nepalese Meal at Kathmandu Gurkha Restaurant, Clay Cross
Forty members and their friends attended a delicious buffet meal to raise funds for a school in Nepal. Steve Kenyon visits regularly with students from his Sheffield school and was able to update us on developments. A toilet block for the women and girls has been built and a water sanitation unit is to be installed using our £500 donation.
International Women’s Day – 8 March
Coffee Morning at Stephensons Award-winning Tea and Coffee House

In March parents of children attending Fairplay in Chesterfield were treated by Soroptimist members to a coffee morning at Stephensons Tea & Coffee House. President Jean, Sharon, Sue and Linda from Soroptimists were joined by trustees of Fairplay and staff members, Heather and Catherine. Following delicious cakes and coffee, parents were able to chat with each other and relax.
On a wonderfully sunny day in July the club set up their market stall and members dressed in medieval costume. There was a bottle tombola for the grown-ups and several games for the children as well as crafts.
Not only was money raised for our projects but everyone had a wonderful, if exhausting, day.
To top it all we won first prize of £100 in the Mayor of Chesterfield’s fancy dress competition.