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President Emma’s address April 2024

Emma Sebire   New President’s Address   AGM 23rd April 2024   I feel honoured and lucky to be at the helm of Guernsey Soroptimists for this coming year.   Cathy has, of course, done a fabulous job this last year and I’ m sure you would

April and May 24 Club News

The AGM at the end of April saw outgoing President Cathy handing over the  regalia to new President Emma. Our annual Liberation Tea took place on 3rd May. Senior citizens were invited to an afternoon tea at the Vale Douzaine room. Members decorated the hall

March 2024 Club News.

World Book Day This year we celebrated World Book Day over two days. We set up the Pop Up shop in Smith Street and opened on Friday afternoon and on Saturday from 9.00am until 3.00pm Some members stood outside and were instrumental in guiding families

February 2024 news

    In February we welcomed two new members. The photos show Shirley introducing Karen and Doreen intoducing Jenny.  

January Club News

Our first event in January was a delicious soup lunch – followed by equally scrumptious cakes. The International committee hosted the lunch to raise funds for Tariro. Tariro UK is a charity that funds projects for young people in need in Zimbabwe : helping them

December Club News

We took part in the Christmas  tree festival in the town church.   The tree was decorated in orange to rasie awareness of our Orange the World campaign. We had our new leaflets available to take away.   We enjoyed  Christmas Dinner with a secret

November Club News

The Charities Fayre         We had a table at the Charities Fayre and sold Christmas cakes and other seasonal offerings.   Orange the World. The day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – 25th November saw us raisinf awareness fo the

Orange the World

SI Guernsey have an ongoing project to raise awareness of gender based violence and empower the local community to  be aware, and know where they can seek help. As part of the United Nations Orange the World campaign on 25th November which is the United

What is happening?

In our new club year we have the following events planned. Please look on our diary page to find the date they are taking place.   We have a beach clean organised – cleaning Ladies Bay, Les Amarreurs and Chouet. Please come along and help