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President’s Blog – A busy May

BLOG – MAY 2024 I really do enjoy May, it has 2 bank holidays (so no work for me!), having longer days and being able to get out and about during daylight! I have tried very hard this month to take photos so I can

The New Zealand Garden – Valley Gardens, Harrogate

  At our last speaker meeting on the 15th May, Sue Wood, Horticultural Development Officer for North Yorkshire Council, gave a fascinating insight into the history and development of the New Zealand Garden, in the English Heritage Grade 2 listed Garden,  Valley Gardens in Harrogate.

Summer of Song – raises £1000 for Resurrected Bites

What a wonderful evening listening to the amazing Eurythmia Ensemble  at Saint Mark’s Church, Leeds Rd, Harrogate. We raised  £1000 that will go to Resurrected Bites. Reducing Food Waste and ‘Putting Food  in Bellies not Bins’. YouTube – Listen to the opening verses of Scarborough

Annual General Meeting and Change of Office

What a Year! Our 90th year closed at our AGM on the 17th April. We thanked President Pat for leading us through our wonderful celebrations. Pat thanked all the members for what we have achieved and our very active Programme Action projects. We welcomed new

President’s Blog – April 2024

 President’s Blog –  From President Christine Anderson W.A.W.W.- What A Wonderful Way to start our 91st charter year, at our AGM on 17th April 2024, here’s a quick resume of the evening: Thanking President Pat for her leadership and support through our amazing 90th year,

Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th March #IWD2024

President Pat Shore welcomed our guests as Harrogate and District Soroptimist  celebrated International Women’s Day with a special event at the Wesley Centre in Harrogate with the theme, ‘Forging an Inclusive World for Women and Girls’. With over 160 people present on the night we

Orange the World to Stop Violence Against Women

Fifteen Club members met at the Ugly Duckling Cafe at Bond End in Knaresborough on the 25th January. We helped #Orangetheworld as part of the United Nations project to Stop Violence Against Women and Girls.  It was a great opportunity to raise awareness and we