President’s Blog February/March
It’s great that our regular meetings have started again. The first meeting in February focused on Programme Action. It was an excellent meeting organised by Club Programme Action Officers’ Christine A and Paula. The PowerPoint presentation really encapsulated all that we do. It is available on YouTube https://youtu.be/YQhqoqdNr_M It’s already had 54 views and is also on our Face Book page @Soroptimist80. I recommend you watch it if you haven’t seen it. It’s also an excellent way of sharing ‘What do we do?’ Our current projects, Dementia Forward and Toilet Twinning will be finishing in September so this was followed by an opportunity to think about what our future projects may be. There was a great buzz to the evening. Lots of interaction and discussion. Turkey/Syrian Earthquake I am sure, like me, many of you were shocked of the scale and loss of life and