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Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins

Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins

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Left to Right: President Val, Polli, Michelle and Club member Janet Resurrected Bites Hot from her interview with Katherine Jenkin on the BBC’s  Song of Praise Michelle Hayes, founder and CEO of Resurrection Bites  gave us a fantastic insight into the organisations incredible work. Making sure surplus food ends up in ‘Bellies not Bins”. Starting up It is shocking that 30% of  food in the UK ends up going to waste whist some families are struggling to put food on the table.  Michelle talked about the two cafes and community grocery stores the charity has set up in Harrogate and Knaresborough since early 2018. She explained how the Covid pandemic had affected their plans.  But, how they had quickly adapted. And, between March 2020 and July 2021 they had delivered food and other essential items to the equivalent of 15808 people in the Harrogate area. Michelle

Wetherby Mayor and Club President plant Memorial Tree for past members

Wetherby Mayor and Club President plant Memorial Tree for past members

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Soroptimists Honour Past Members The rain didn’t deter President Val Hills  and the Mayor of Wetherby, Cllr Neil O’Bryne from planting  a memorial tree by the River Wharfe in Wetherby on the 8th February. The tree, a silver birch, was planted in memory of past members. It  follows the planting of trees in Ripon and Harrogate to celebrate over 100 years of Soroptimist International. President Val and 12 members of the club, including three from Wetherby braved the weather and mud. The Mayor  spoke of the invaluable work done for women and girls by Soroptimists in the district. President Val thanked the Mayor for his kind words and also praised Colin Trayford and Gerald Williams from Leeds City Council Parks and Countryside Department who did the heavy work. President Val said “It is a privilege to be joined by the Mayor today in the planting

President’s Blog -November

President’s Blog -November


President’s Report –  November 2021 Just ‘B’ Fashion Show November certainly was a busy month. I put on the glad rags provided for me by Saint Michael’s Charity shop and waltzed down the catwalk in our fantastic Fashion Show on the 6th of November.  A very big Congratulations to Immediate Past President Sandra. An amazing £7200 raised for Just ‘B’.  A great team effort with many members actively involved on the day. Excellent leadership and organisational skills from Sandra.  It was a case of third time lucky.  But was worth the wait. And over £11,000 raised for Just ‘B’ in the last 18 month.  A great example of partnership working and helping save the planet. The ‘fast fashion’ industry produces more CO2 than shipping and aviation combined according to and Oxfam report. Food for thought. Meeting up with prospective members Penny has done a fabulous

Resurrected Bites happy to receive surplus Chocolate Oranges

Resurrected Bites happy to receive surplus Chocolate Oranges

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What to do with 18 chocolate oranges? Club member Maureen kindly donated these surplus to requirement oranges after our Fund Raising event  Wetherby Christmas Market.  With  local Food Banks unable to accept them as not boxed President Val contacted Resurrected Bites.  Resurrected Bites mission is to stop good food going to waste. They aim to fill bellies not bins, and to support individuals and families at the same time. So, delighted to accept the chocolate oranges. Food Banks We didn’t forget the Food banks. Busier than ever. We  raised over £500 to support them.  A great team effort at the Wetherby Christmas Market; Member Janet Hutton making delicious Christmas Cakes and Puddings, Sandra Frier selling fabulous Handbags and money in lieu of Christmas cards. We donated £300 to Harrogate and Knaresborough #Trussell Trust Food Bank. The money helped provide 30 Christmas Hampers for vulnerable families. £100 donated

Wetherby Charity Shop Window Winner – The Dogs Trust

Wetherby Charity Shop Window Winner – The Dogs Trust

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Harrogate and District Soroptimist President Valerie Hills yesterday presented Phoebe, the new manager of The Dogs Trust and Volunteer Margaret with the Gill Smith Cup and Certificate for the Best Dressed Charity Shop Window in Wetherby. The judges, President Val, with Wetherby Soroptimist’s Heather Shipman, Elsie Johnston, Hilary Waddington and Councillor Victor Hawkins from Welcome to Wetherby Committee  looked for Impact, Innovation and the Spirit of Christmas. President Val said, ‘It was a pleasure to walk around Wetherby and judge the charity shop windows. Many charity shops make a real effort to make their windows stand out.  The Dogs Trust really caught all the judges eye this year. It was an excellent display that also carried a message about the responsibilities of looking after a dog’. Highly recommended by the judge’s were Cancer Research UK and Mind The Charity shops were thanked for for wonderful

Harrogate Soroptimists raise over £11,000 for Just ‘B’

Harrogate Soroptimists raise over £11,000 for Just ‘B’

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Immediate Past President of SI Harrogate and District, Sandra Frier, was able to present Just’B’s Community and Challenge Events Fundraiser, Sandra Gilbert, with a cheque for over £11000 on 21 December. President Sandra and members of the Harrogate and District Club had been fundraising for over 18 months mostly through the Covid restraitaints to raise money for the bereavement counselling arm of Saint Michael’s Hospice. From fashion shows through sponsored walksVirtual Great North Run – Maureen runs for Saint Michael’s Hospice and Just B to antique valuations online and an excellent on-line Burns Night. Sandra and her team worked incredibly hard to raise this money. President Sandra said “It felt quite emotional after such a long and difficult period to be able to hand over this money. Our members have worked so hard and been so supportive.”

Harrogate Borough Charity Shop Christmas Windows Award Winners

Harrogate Borough Charity Shop Christmas Windows Award Winners

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Cup Winner - Saint Michael's Hospice Shop in Ripon. Every year the managers and volunteers in our local charity shops amaze us with their innovation and creativity in their Christmas shop windows. This year was no exception. This year’s winner of the Soroptimist Cup is Saint Michael’s Hospice Shop in Ripon. Their window display was an eye-catching Beauty and the Beast themed window. The judging was very close this year in all zones with only a couple of points between gold and silver award winners. The judging took place in three zones.  Harrogate Town; Ripon with Boroughbridge and Knaresborough with Starbeck and Bilton. The Soroptimist Cup is awarded to the overall winner. Presentation of Awards We were delighted to welcome the award winners of the annual Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition to our meeting at the Crown Hotel on the 1st December. Award winners with the


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  St. Michael’s Hospice Shops, Harrogate Grammar School PTA and Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District teamed up last Saturday to produce a spectacular Fashion Show promoting sustainable fashion, at Harrogate Grammar School. The event organiser and  Club’s Immediate Past President Sandra Frier greeted The Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate Borough, Cllr Trevor and Janet Chapman, Soroptimist International of Yorkshire’s President Lindsay Green. Just ‘B’ An amazing £7,200 was raised for Just’B’, part of Saint Michael’s Hospice. The Charity provides emotional well-being and bereavement support to children, young people and adults across North Yorkshire. Artisan Stalls Guests were able to browse and buy from a selection of Artisan stalls. Walking the Catwalk     Club members, volunteers from Saint Michael’s Hospice shops, students from Harrogate College and Harrogate’s own Miss Galaxy took to the catwalk.  The preloved clothes ranged from casual to evening wear. Up-Cycled

Memorial Weeping Elm Tree and Plaque surrounded by newly planted spring Bulbs

Memorial Weeping Elm Tree and Plaque surrounded by newly planted spring Bulbs

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  Harrogate and District Soroptimists had a busy few weeks. On 28 September we welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate Borough, Cllr Trevor and Janet Chapman to help us unveil a Memorial Slab for ‘Our Sisters’ at Stonefall Cemetery in Harrogate.  And, one month later,  five busy Soroptimist’s planted over 7000 spring flowering bulbs to surround our Memorial Weeping Elm tree. Harrogate Borough Council Horticultural Officer Sue Wood provided the expertise. Next Spring  we are looking forward to a wonderful display of: Crocus Ruby Giant, Chionodoxa luc., Anemone blue s.,   Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) Muscari azureum, Pushkinia libanotica, Narcissus Jack Snipe, Scilla Mitschenkoana, Scilla Siberica Tulipa Turkestanica   Please note the links to the flowers above are not recommendations to purchase – just to illustrate the flower type. Before –  During &  After

Flyer for Fashion Show
Fashion Show in Aid of JUST ‘B’ supporting bereavement services for children and adults

Fashion Show in Aid of JUST ‘B’ supporting bereavement services for children and adults

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Come and join us at our fabulous fashion show featuring preloved clothes from Saint Michael’s Hospice Shops. Get ready for Christmas at the Artisan Stalls. A chance to win £100 with the lucky ticket too. In aid of JUST ‘B’ providing bereavement services to children young people and adults throughout North Yorkshire. Contact to buy your tickets or buy direct from the selected Saint Michael’s shops listed below. Fashion Show FlyeHarrogate and District Soroptimist’s present a Fashion Show in aid of JUST ‘B’ Tickets £15 (£5 for under 18) Contact for Tickets or buy direct from Saint Michael’s Hospice Shops in Ripon, Kings Road, Harrogate, Station Parade, Harrogate or Cold Bath Road Harrogate. Just ‘B’ is part of North Yorkshire Hospice Care. Providing bereavement services for children, young people and adults across North Yorkshire