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Alzheimer’s UK and Dementia Friends

ALZHEIMER’S UK AND DEMENTIA FRIENDS   At their September meeting, Harrogate and District Soroptimists welcomed Alison Wrigglesworth, Services Manager for the Alzheimer’s Society, for Ripon, Harrogate & Craven,York and Selby. Alison explained that alzheimers disease is the most common cause of dementia. She then guided

Meru Day of Service – a washout but good cheer

Harrogate and District Soroptimists were keen to raise awareness of the Meru Women’s Garden Project and join in with our Federation Meru Day of Action.  We secured the charity stall at the popular Ripon Market –  held every Thursday and Saturday. There is high demand

Wonderful summer outing to Tennants Auctioneers

On a beautiful Midsummer evening, 27 members of the Club made their way up Wensleydale to Tennants Auctioneers in Leyburn. We were delighted that three members from Northallerton and Richmond were able to join us. As everyone gathered the shop enticed us, but exactly on time