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Hygge raises £712 for Dementia Forward

Club member’s Heather and Di’s Hygge Lunch-time Event raised a fantastic £712 for Dementia Forward. The heaven’s may have opened but that didn’t detract from a lovely homemade soup and fresh bread lunch in the garden. Hygge – So what is Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh)? In Denmark

5 Ladies and a bus called Bertha

The Club is delighted to announce the Book Launch of 5 Ladies and a Bus called Bertha, written by our very own Sue Williams. The book is available to buy from Amazon. Sue will donate all profits to Be shared between Dementia Forward Toilet Twinning

President Blog – Summer

Welcome back. Meetings start again on 7th September.  I hope everyone has enjoyed summer despite the heat that at times felt overwhelming. The Climate certainly seems to be changing. We may not of met during August but we certainly have been busy. If you are

We Did It – Harrogate is now a Toilet Twinned District

We did it! Harrogate and District is now a Toilet Twinned DistrictToilet Twinned District. The Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate Borough, Cllr Trevor and Mrs Jan Chapman, received the framed certificate from Club President Val Hills and project leader Sue Williams in the Valley Gardens,

Summer Evening Music Concert in aid of Dementia Forward

Club members invite you to join them on the 25 June at the Wesley Church, Harrogate  for a wonderful summer evening of music. Outstanding musicians from Queen Mary’s School, directed by Sarah Holloway Lloyd, will perform the works of Bach and Beethoven.  The event will

President’s Blog – March

Storm clouds gathered physically and metaphysically at the beginning of March. For the world, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine has led to the biggest migration of people since the Second World War; in the UK, as over a million trees were blown down in the

Annual General Meeting – Celebrating a busy year

The 89th Annual General Meeting took place at the Crown Hotel in Harrogate last night. The Club welcomed SI Yorkshire Region’s President Lindsay Green. Lindsay presented the 25 year Long Service Awards to Irene Kerr and Christabel England. A great achievement. Our new  Vice President

New Year’s January/February President’s Blog

January and February Well, the first two months of the year have certainly seen some stormy weather. Zoom proved its worth as our main method of meeting in January and it was a truly Hybrid speaker meeting in February. It was good to catch up