Our Annual Bridge Event took place in April where our club provides lunch for the 80 players. Here we see us hard at work preparing the food. Another successful day’s work with £850 profit made which has been allocated to Marie Curie Cancer Fund. Great work everyone.
At our supper meeting our long term member Stephanie Ainsley was presented with a certificate to congratulate her on an amazing 35 years of service to Soroptimist International by our Regional President Liz Every. Thank you Stephanie for your help and guidance to us all and for being a real friend to everyone.
In June four of our members went on the trip organised by Liz Every to number 63 in London. The weather was kind to us throughout the few days and we all came together for an evening meal at a lovely Italian Restaurant just around the corner. They coped excellently with our party of fourteen. We visited Galleries and museums and The Tower of London, Westminster and our artist, Sue Merrill, went sketching along Park Lane and Marble Arch. Thank you Liz once again for a lovely visit.
Lots of happy smiling faces at our Floral Event Demonstration at the Rose Theatre in Kidderminster where all the flowers were raffled and taken home. Our club is proud to announce that funds raised at the evening will be sent to help women and girls in Bangladesh where flooding is a big issue and clean water in desperate need. This is the third year we have kept our promise to help and support that community. Many thanks to ANDREW LLOYD for a fantastic evening.
Soroptimism came to Wimbledon on SIGBI Day Of Action. The women players on Court One were so inspirational, particularly the Wheelchair players who are worthy of real admiration for their spirit and hard work.
Sue, Christine and Elke are seen at our local refuge cleaning up the garden and planting new flowers for the residents to enjoy this summer. Flowers and herbs were planted and happily residents are pleased with the results and willing to water and care for the garden too. Thank you ladies for a job well done at the refuge and making those women and girls feel they have a lovely garden to sit in helping to improve their mental and physical well being.
On a beautiful summers day we all met for lunch at Great Witley Café for our summer outing. We even had the pleasure of two Soroptimisters joining us. Many thanks to Chris Holloway for organising a lovely lunch.