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Summer Outing 2024

Summer Outing 2024

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The 2024 Summer Outing was to Holker Hall in Cumbria. The hall dates back to the early 1600’s. It is currently the home of Lucy Cavendish and her husband. After a fire in 1871, a New Wing was built in the neo-Elizabethan Gothic style, but at the same time, it has all the charm of a Victorian stately home. As well as a guided tour members were able  to wonder freely as there are no ropes or barriers . Members also explored the gardens  and also included in the visit was a delicious lunch. .

Member giving talk at a meeting
Lancaster SI Members Presentation to the June Regional Meeting

Lancaster SI Members Presentation to the June Regional Meeting

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Mary gave an overview  of the work she and others had done to set up a school club to the delegates attending June’ North West England and the Isle of Man Regional meeting. Mary explained that, after a number of years in discussion with teachers of a local secondary school, the Lancaster Club worked with the teachers to launched a School Club.  The school is  a co-ed school so membership of the club is open to girls and boys. Members of the School Club are already busy developing projects . The Club will be officially chartered before the end of the current school year.  

East meets West event at Lancaster library June 23
East Meets West 24 June 23

East Meets West 24 June 23

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President Therese and  members attended a very busy event at Lancaster Library organised by East Meets West. There were 12 stalls representing different cultures from around the world organised by women from the refugee and asylum seeker communities in the city. There were different foods to try, clothing styles to compare and arts, crafts and quizzes for the children.      

Growing Well

Growing Well

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At the end of May President Therese and Val M visited Growing Well at Sizergh Barn which the club will support this year as the President’s charity. It is a mental health charity located on an organic farm and market garden. Under the supervision of experienced therapeutic growers and mental health support staff, volunteers can rebuild confidence, learn new skills, benefit from peer support and be helped to achieve their goals, such as returning to employment or education. Their website is Growing Well 

Food laded out on a table
Jazz and Pimm’s

Jazz and Pimm’s

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What better way to spend one of the last Sunday summer afternoons particularly when the money raised go to the Dianne Oxberry Trust for raising awareness of Ovarian Cancer. The trust gave a presentation at a Regional Meeting explaining that ovarian cancer was difficult to detect and all too often fatal. A special mention to Andra for her cake tree. Looks delicious. Many Thanks to Ruth and of course her husband, Stuart for a fantastic event. Below is a selection of photos provided by Ruth.   Summer Sun and a glass of Pimm’s   —        Perfect!      

Members of the club showing their support for International Women's Day
Celebrating International Women’s Day with Banners, Flags and Tee Shirts

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Banners, Flags and Tee Shirts

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The following is the write-up Val B kindly did for our local paper.   Every year members hold an event to mark and support International Women’s Day and this year the club was fortunate to have the assistance of Steve Pendrill, the renowned local professional photographer. Steve was the speaker at the regular monthly meeting, relating fascinating anecdotes of exciting adventures, opportunities and mishaps during his 25 years as a press photographer. After his talk Steve very kindly took a group photo of members holding their flags and banners reflecting both the international women’s organisations and schools actively supported by SI Lancaster and the life and work of Ruth Ginsberg, the American feminist lawyer who was the first Jewish woman Justice ever to be appointed to the US Supreme Court and who was a lifelong promoter of worldwide gender equality. SI Lancaster regularly supports and

The President talking through the club structure
2022 Member’s Evening

2022 Member’s Evening

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This was a second opportunity to catch up with friends with another face-to-face meeting. Val, the president gave an overview of club structure which was supported by guiding everyone to the different web site associated with the organisation. This was followed by Hillary who gave us an overview of the current membership and the joining process for the new members and potential members at the meeting.   Deirdre followed with what is often seen as the heart of the club with information about the wide and varied activities the club had undertaken the previous year.   Sandra, one of the most recent new members was asked to introduce herself. Sandra had been introduced into the club by Kath and entertained the meeting with a side show to illustrate her stories. She finished with a short film of her stepson’s lavish Indian wedding.   Below is

Handover of the Regional Presidency
Northwest and The Isle of Man Regional AGM 2021

Northwest and The Isle of Man Regional AGM 2021

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November saw the 2021 the first face to face meeting for the Northwest region for several month. Previous meeting had been held over Zoom due to the national restriction relating to the Covid pandemic. Lancaster was well represented. One of the items was the hand over from last year’s Region President, Cath Read from Blackburn club to 2021/22 President, Val Thomas, Pendleside.