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Open Garden IN Lancaster - Janie's Garden
Open Garden

Open Garden

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On two dates, one in July and the other in August green fingered members of our club hosted an open garden event. Inviting friends and other members around to view their green endeavours and enjoy a cake and a coffee and chat-up. Over £1000 was raised. Well done to all who took part.    
Food Parcel Box Decorated by Ruth
First Food Parcels

First Food Parcels

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Often women arrive at the Lancaster Women’s Refuge with very little. So Lancaster Soroptimist were asked if that would provide a food pack. The pack contains basic items like tea, coffee, long-life milk, biscuits and a few easily prepared meals like soup and noodles. There is enough food for a few days. It is hoped this well allow the recipient time to settle.          

Global Village at Work in the Kitchen
International Day of Peace Dinner 2021

International Day of Peace Dinner 2021

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The venue for this years Peace Dinner was new to many people but thankfully Mary was on hand to guide us in the right direction. The tables were beautifully decorated by Janie and Global Village had supplied a small autumnal small flower decoration. Global village provided a wonderful spread of Middle Eastern dishes. There was a lively, friendly atmosphere and an opportunity to once again get together  and guest were entertained with a talk from the Chef as well as a poem and music to end a great evening. The profit from the tickets, donations and the proceeds of the raffle, after paying our expenses  enabled a donation of £260 to be given to Lancaster City of Sanctuary.    
Remember Lock Down 2020

Remember Lock Down 2020

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  As well as VE day celebrations and charity jam and chutney sales and of course a daily walk Soroptimist had other activities to keep them occupied. One member keep busy with her garden while an other delivery food boxes and chopped wood for a toast fire over winner.   Of course lock down or not there is always and uninvited guest.

Club President holds the wreath to be laid on behalf of the Lancaster SI on Remembrance Sunday 2020
A Lockdown Remembrance Sunday 2020

A Lockdown Remembrance Sunday 2020

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No service/gathering was possible for Remembrance Sunday 2020 as  the country was in lockdown. Organisations were asked to lay their wreaths at some point during the afternoon , following a private service by the Mayor sometime that day. Only one person was allowed at once in the memorial garden, with strict entrance  from Dalton square and leaving via George street. Hilary  wrote “For your sacrifice for our freedom, Thank you Soroptimist International Lancaster” on the card attached to the wreath.

SI Member in a social distance street part for VE day 20202
VE Day 2020

VE Day 2020

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Some members were more organised than other when it came to VE celebrations. Some had the street parties organised at a social distance while others approached the event with the wartime spirit to “make do and mend” as the saying went. Decoration consisted of an old washing line and appropriately coloured items to pegged on.  

Masks and the Women’s Refuge

Masks and the Women’s Refuge

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Lancaster Soroptimist sends a big thank you to a fellow member, Janette for the donation of £135 to the women’s refuge. Janette raised this money from the sale of her filtered face masks. In total Janette raised £265. The money was split with another charity. The total amount raised for the refuge was £605.  The Refuge staff were delighted with the donation.