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Two people selling jams and other food stuffs
World Food Day Event

World Food Day Event

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With all the uncertainly we have had this year it was wonderful to see the sun or rather lack of rain when Lancaster Soroptimists held an early World Food Day. Val and her husband deserve most of the credit for the amazing total raised – £717.17. This money will go to Lebanese Red Cross. Alongside the sale Val’s wonderful goods, food and donations were taken for the Olive Branch food bank. This raise an additional £124.15. Many thanks to all involved- organisers and supporters.  

A Day at the Races

A Day at the Races

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Our President, Hilary and her husband Trevor enjoyed a day at the virtual Regional Races on Zoom. There were around 7 clubs represented but only about 25 of us participated in the event. The organisers had asked that everyone wear a hat as there was a competition for the fanciest hat and the funniest with a horse racing theme. Using Soroptimist colours Hilary found a blue/yellow(ish) horse on the internet and added more colour and drew a jockey and solved the problem of how to secure it to my head. by stuffing the picture down a lightweight snood – wearing that as a sort of headband. In an outcome that would have surprised Hilary’s Arts and Craft High school teacher she won the silly hat competition! It was a fun couple of hours with introduction of participants and mascots, footage of 3 live races, a

White strip on Orange Background
Lancaster SI Goes Orange

Lancaster SI Goes Orange

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UN launched a campaign to End Violence against Women. The campaign designates 25th day of each month as Orange Day. As 25th June is a meeting date for Lancaster Soroptimists – UK, their current President, Hilary, suggested that they would use the opportunity to highlight that violence against women and girls is still a very relevant issue.  

Lancaster Welcomes Garstang members cyclists
Supporting Garstand Cyclists

Supporting Garstand Cyclists

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Two members of the Garstang Soroptimist club, who were undertaking a long distance bike ride for charity, were met by supporters from their sister club in Lancaster. Kate and her friend are both enthusiastic cyclists. They were riding from Grange to Garstang along the popular Morecambe Bay cycle route. Stopping in both Morecambe and Lancaster to revived with light refreshments.

That End of Term Feeling

That End of Term Feeling

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Last Meeting before the Summer Break The last meeting before the summer break was made special by the music and singing provided by the U3A Ukulele band. With cakes and coffee to follow it was the perfect end to this round of meetings. Many Thanks to Katherine and Janie and of course to the U3A Ukulele Band. http  s://    

Awards and Presentations

Awards and Presentations

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A Special Guest Members were delighted to welcome the Regional President, Alison to the last business meeting before the summer break. It was a great opportunity to recognise members contribution. Alison presented  the President Elect with her badge. The was followed by a presentation to Bernice of the Haslingden Award for retaining the most members over four years. Mmbers thanked Bernice and the membership team for all their hard work. Lastly Alison with our current president, Karyn.   [new_royalslider id=”5″]

Summer Outing 2019

Summer Outing 2019

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Great Day- Good food, good weather and great company Members enjoyed this years summer outing. First a lunch in good company at the Strickland Arms and the on for a tour of Sizergh Castle. Many thanks to Kath for all her hard work  organising the enjoyable event.   [new_royalslider id=”4″]