Several Soroptimists, along with women from other service organisations, spent a Saturday this past March assisting Empowerment People with the first ever ‘Being Watched’ Conference for young women at the new Birley Fields campus of Manchester Metropolitan University. Soroptimists were involved with several tasks throughout the day from registration and group leading to dressing up as revolutionary women, as well as President Stella representing the Soroptimists as a ‘VIW’ (Very Important Woman).

Here is the official press release:
Young women were given the opportunity to influence local politicians on the issues of social media, surveillance and control recently, at a one-day conference in Manchester.
Around 30 young women attended the ‘Being Watched’ conference on Saturday 14th March, which was also attended by a number of key regional influencers, including Julie Ward MEP, Judge Marilyn Mornington, and ITV News journalist Fadah Jassem.
Three in four young people say they are likely to vote in the 2015 election, according to a recent survey by thinktank Demos. However, young women and young people not in education, employment or training are less likely to be interested in politics, and they don’t tend to feel that they can influence change over issues which are important to them.
The Being Watched conference also follows research undertaken in 2014, which found that girls and young women in the North West are concerned about surveillance, cyber-bullying and abusive relationships.
Amelia Lee from The Empowerment People, which organised the conference, said: “Our aim with the ‘Being Watched’ conference was to equip the young women with the confidence and skills they need to engage with issues at a political level.
“We explored how being politically active can make a positive difference in young women’s lives and the life of their community; as a consumer, as a leader or organiser and as a voter – particularly relevant in the run-up to a general election.”
Julie Ward MEP said: “It was a real privilege to participate with Empowerment People in their Being Watched event for girls and young women. This kind of event gives me an opportunity to connect with the next generation of community leaders as they find their feet in a new and vibrant feminist discourse.
“There was a buzz in the air and an atmosphere of openness as conversations about a range of issues continued throughout the day, both in structured activities and over lunch, on a one-to-one basis and in group discussions. It is very important that I remain accessible and relevant to girls and young women as I am on the European Parliament’s Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee.
“It was wonderful to meet up with other women activists and inspiring leaders; I draw strength from knowing that I am part of a community of change-makers.”
‘Being Watched’ was organised by The Empowerment People, a North West group which supports marginalised people and promotes equality.
The Empowerment People worked in partnership with Inspire Safer Futures, Feminist Webs, Manchester Girls Work network, The Soroptomists and the youth and community team at MMU to deliver this free event for young women. Organisations which participated in the conference included Amnesty Manchester, BHA, Black Feminists Manchester, Brook, Independent choices, LGBT Zine Library, Manchester Healthy Schools, Manchester Women’s Aid, Nanarchist, No More Page 3, Open Rights Group, Saheli, Stirred Poetry, and Yes Matters.