On 3rd March President Barbara welcomed members and guests to our 93rd Charter event which, this year, was a Sunday lunch at Swinton Park Golf Club. 66 members and guests attended including members of S I Ashton under Lyne, S I Bolton, S I Leigh & District, S I Southport and S I Stockport & District.
The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor June Hitchen, attended and was accompanied by her sister, Julie Hampson. It was the second year she had joined us and she showed a great interest in our work with local initiatives.
Gail Heath, Chief Executive Officer of the Pankhurst Trust, proposed the toast to Soroptimist International recognising the contribution our Club has made to the Women’s Words project.

We were entertained by students from the Pendleton School of Theatre – three very talented young ladies, one of whom is this year’s recipient of our Arena Memorial Award. They were superb and received a standing ovation.
The event was a very happy occasion with excellent food and great friendship.
Rosemary Steven