On 6th December members enjoyed another successful evening packing over 100 mugs for Manchester Women’s Aid.
Every women arriving at a refuge, after escaping domestic violence, is given her own mug carefully wrapped in biodegradeable paper and containing sachets of tea, coffee, chocolate and a biscuit. These are greatly appreciated and members are delighted to be able to help in this way.
It was appropriate that we were able to do this during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
Thanks to Rose for hosting the evening.
On 7th December President Sue and Programme Action Committee Chair Sophie delivered 250 diaries, vouchers and toiletries. Diaries were requested by the organisation (part of Women in Prison) to help women leaving the criminal justice system to organise their lives. Sophie found that they were desperately in need of warm clothes and shoes – members rallied round and, within a few days, Sophie had collected and delivered 21 bags of clothes.
On 22nd December members took warm pyjamas, Christmas cakes and other items to Emmeline’s Pantry – a foodbank with a difference – and helped with distribution.