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Prison Reform Trust Report Talk May 2016

Pauline Reed gave a talk on the Prison Reform Trust Report   [Excerpt from Soroptimist UK Programme Action Committee web-site] Soroptimists have called for a UK-wide drive to reform women’s justice. Too many women in the UK are still being sent to prison instead of

Tour de Yorkshire (TdY)

For membership month, SI Middlesbrough promoted Soroptimism by manning a stall at Middlesbrough Centre Square where the Tour de Yorkshire (the bike race) commenced on Sunday the 1st of May 2016. Uzma Kazmi, Kath Sainsbury and Pam Cooper set up a good display of information and

Women for Peace in a World of War – 19/03/2016

UPDATE: 20/03/2016 The conference was very well-received. The speakers gave very moving and informative presentations. Following are some of the snaps from the conference.   ADVERT: 16/02/2016 SI Middlesbrough holds a conference, Women for Peace in a World of War, on Saturday the 19th March of

International Women’s Day 2016

This year SIM celebrated International Women’s Day, held at the Teesside University. It was an excellent event with the opportunity to listen to some influential speakers, including, Judge Gillian Matthews, Carrie Supple (Director of Journey to Justice) Amanda McMahon (Manager, KHI Engineering), Dr. Gill Owens (Senior Lecturer and

Jenny Medhurst

An Influential Speaker – Jenny Medhurst

At our February’s club meeting, we were honoured to have Jenny Medhurst who is heavily involved with the Fairtrade Movement. She spoke about the Fairtrade Foundation that aims to improve the lives of some of the world’s poorest farmers by pressuring suppliers to give them

‘Soup’er Saturday

Recently, the amount of £115.00 was raised by Middlesbrough Soroptimists in support of Syrian Refugees at the “Soup for Syria” lunch, kindly organised by club’s secretary Pam Cooper at her home.

SIM Members with Heather Black 1

Heather Black from Middlesbrough Foodbank (19/11/2015)

In November 2015, at club’s monthly meeting, Soroptimist International Middlesbrough had a speaker, Heather Black, who gave an insight into the people suffering from hunger in the United Kingdom due to various reasons. We learnt about Middlesbrough Foodbank that offers short term support for individuals and families in crisis. A

SIM 70th Charter Lunch

UPDATE (11/10/2015)   ADVERT (20/09/2015) President Alwyn Kraus and members of SI Middlesbrough invite you to the Club’s 70th Charter Lunch on Saturday 10th October 2015 at noon for 12:30 p.m. at Gisborough Hall, Whitby Lane, Guisborough, TS14 6PT. Gentlemen are most welcome. Cost: £25

Skills for Life and Health 2015 – A Course Delivered by SIM

SIM runs a 10-week course, titled “Skills for Life and Health” targeting women in a disadvantaged area of aged 19 and over and delivered in a community hub. The course will include sessions on: self-esteem and confidence-building; assertiveness; stress causes and cures; health essentials; looking

Afternoon Tea

UPDATE (14/08/2015) It was a lovely afternoon with a friends from SI Stockton as well as other friends along with delicious food, prepared by our dear member, Geraldine Nuttall. The raffle was done towards the end of the afternoon. It was a good get together,