Nantwich Societies Spectacular 28th July 2019
On Saturday 28th members of Nantwich Soroptimists braved appalling weather to support their stall at the local Society Spectacular. We take part in this event to raise awareness of Soroptimism as well as to see if there are any local women who would like to join us. Despite the wind blowing the display boards off the table and repeated downpours that saturated unsuspecting passers by, it was generally felt that the day was a success. The event was organised by Nantwich Town Council who provide free gazebos and tables in the centre of Nantwich’s pedestrianised area for all the societies in Nantwich to show their wares and attract new members. From the local am-dram to tennis, from organisers of the town food festival to the volunteer gardeners who keep the flower beds looking so good, every local society you could possibly want to join were