Good Morning Sister Soroptimists,
Whilst I get great pleasure in putting together my weekly message to you, I often find that the hardest part is the opening few lines. But this week I am going to begin with a very big THANK YOU to you all.
Your Regional Officers have made very great demands on you in the past few weeks; demands for information, for opinions, for comments and for returns. Secretary Joan, PA Chair Karen, FCC Margaret and myself have made these requests because we have been asked them by Federation Office or UKPAC. Your Club Secretaries and PA officers must be a little weary of this continuous bombardment. But you have never failed to provide the feedback or information needed. It makes our jobs so much easier to have your input as we are representing you all in the Northern Region.
I have had some really lovely messages and cards this week; including a bumper bundle of post on Monday which certainly cheered up a miserable wet morning. Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to get in touch in whatever way, it is very much appreciated.
Club News
It was good to hear from SI Sunderland‘s new President Rosemary this week and learn about their efforts in the emergency. Members continue to make Twiddlemuffs for Care Homes and Hospitals as well as Face Masks. They are also giving great support to their local Foodbanks and two members are delivering bags of food for those in need in Sunderland.
SI Newcastle upon Tyne shared with me their plans for the SI Centenary: everything which is achieved is measured in quantities of 100 – 100 tins of Food for the Food Bank; 100 baby blankets for hospitals; 100 items of clothing for Homeless women; 100 sanitary products for Newcastle Hub and 100 photographs of Trees; in addition members are reading 100 books between them. I wish them well and hope they achieve their century in everything they undertake.
Also, for the emergency, members are providing support at Testing Stations.
SI Stockton-on-Tees President Sue came across a local Health and Wellbeing charity called Little Sprouts. They work in the most deprived communities, supplying cooked meals and delivering to the local Food Bank. Sue’s Daughter and Granddaughter were able to go shopping and purchased large quantities of nappies, toiletries, tinned goods, pasta, jam etc. paid for by generous donations from Club members. A second shopping trip will be happening shortly, this time questioning what their specific needs would be. Sue’s granddaughter, Lucy, is pictured with the first consignment.
The Club’s continuing partnership with Cleveland Police to provide New Start Bags, looked to be in limbo due to the pandemic; then Julie began ordering goods online, shopped for toiletries at a local supermarket, and has been able to complete 5 bags for women which were collected this week by DS Martyn Weston of the Vulnerable Exploited Missing Trafficked Team. [VEMT]
Jess Sinclair of SI Carlisle is continuing her production line and has sent me photos of her Pairs of Hearts and Head Bands.
SI South Shields Their support has been for a Refugee charity which has been badly affected by COVID-19; they have donated old TVs and DVD equipment, plus period products. The Club’s support for their local Food Bank has continued throughout the emergency.
Please remember to email examples of what you are doing in the emergency to Federation Office for inclusion in the COVID-19 newsletter.
The final photo, I hope will make you smile!

A reminder that the closing date for submission of your nominations for 100 4 100 is the 31st MAY 2020. I hope that all clubs will have identified at least one Soroptimist member, past or present, whom they believe is worthy of nomination. Friday’s Briefing from SIGBI gave the relevant link.
Have you heard of VOX TOX ? It is a new you tube channel created by SANDI TOKSVIG and since the beginning of Lockdown she has posted a funny mix of both culture and observation describing hidden historic women, each about 8/9 minutes long and delivered in her own unique style. Until the end of April she did this daily but since then, just one a week, posted each Friday. Jane Inman recommended them to me some weeks ago and I have been hooked ever since.
At the end of every one, she closes with these two words – BE KIND – which seems to resonate in these turbulent times..
I found a poem posted in a closed Facebook group which I belong to; the first line is THEY SAID THE WORLD IS CLOSED TODAY and it was written by PETER D HEHIR. Link to the Poem
Please keep in touch, tell me what you have been doing, or just to say HELLO.
Until next week – STAY SAFE & KEEP WELL
In Friendship,