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Our Projects


Program Action refers to the projects, events and actions undertaken by Soroptimists as individuals and in their clubs and regions as well as nationally and internationally. 

This work takes many different forms, can be short term or happen over several years. 

We may work in partnership with other organisations. 

We want to see women and girls reach their individual and collective potential, realise their aspirations and have an equal voice in creating peaceful communities. 

We achieve this by raising AWARENESS of issues i.e., domestic violence and human trafficking and by encouraging ADVOCACY at local, government and international level by petitions, media campaigns etc. 

We continue our ACTION in club projects and activities that EDUCATE, EMPOWER and ENABLE thus making change happen. 

Because of this we have a voice at the United Nations having consultative status at the Economic and Social council. We celebrate the UN Special days such as International Women’s Day 

Clubs choose their projects to work on and issues to lobby about based on the 5P’s which fit into the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

These are People, Prosperity, Plant, Peace and Partnership. 

They choose topics relevant to their locality and close to their own hearts raising awareness of women’s issues in health, education, the environment, gender equality, economic empowerment and much more. 

Reports about these projects can be read on the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland HUB.