Once again we can be really thankful that the English summer weather did not disappoint on the day! The rain held off, although there was a brief hint of a shower mid morning.
The money raised at the annual car boot sale on Sunday 11 August, over £400, amply repaid the efforts of everyone who got up at the crack of dawn (well almost) to be at the field by 7am in time to set up the Soroptimist stall in a prime position, and so as not to miss the car parking fee for the really early birds.
By 8.15am the field was packed with stall holders and regular car-booters; in particular the dealers who barely allow for the boot to be opened before making their opening offers. It is certainly a great way of dispensing with miscellaneous items acquired over time that one can’t quite fit in.
The proceeds will be donated to our local Salvation Army centre, together with unsold items of clothing.