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World Yoga Day

World Yoga Day


SI Club of Poona celebrated World Yoga Day with a talk by Mr. Bhinde, a Yoga teacher who has been practising Yoga for the past 30 years. He stressed the need to practise Yoga, which can help rid us of several ailments.Young Geeta, who has been learning Yoga since she was ten,demonstrated some simple asanas, particularly for senior citizens, which are not very strenuous and can be done every day.

Our Silver Jubilee Charter Night

Our Silver Jubilee Charter Night

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A big celebration had been planned to mark the Silver Jubilee of the Charter of Soroptimist International Club of Poona. It was  held on 7th April 2016 at the ‘Classic Rock Coffee Company’ at Kalyani Nagar. All members with their families and also all ex-members were invited to attend. NASI past president, Ms. Annette Mascaranhas, president Ms. Sreelata Narayanan and president elect Ms Lata Krishnan were the special invitees. Ms. Nalini Gera, noted social worker of Pune, who had graced the Charter ceremony 25 years back was the chief guest. After a brief presentation of the activities and achievements of the club for the past 25 years, there was an entertainment programme by  three storytellers and a short play, all of which were highly appreciated by the audience. This was followed by a grand dinner to mark this momentous occasion.    

Celebrating Women’s Day with our friends from Perth, Scotland

Celebrating Women’s Day with our friends from Perth, Scotland


In 2016 SI Poona  celebrated International Women’s Day with members of their Friendship link club of Perth in Scotland.This year they had decided to  felicitate two of their own scholarship awardees, Pratibha Avasekar and Sapana Tandale. These two girls despite being visually challenged, had done their post graduation and B.Ed courses and are determined to face life against all odds. They are two extremely confident and motivated young women, who appeared for the Probationary Officers’ examination and secured jobs for themselves in two leading nationalized banks in the country. The guests as well as all SI Poona members were totally impressed and inspired by the absolute confidence and determination of these two girls.    

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

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To mark the World Environment Day – 5th June, Tree planting was done by SI Poona members at Queen Mary’s Technical Institute on 30th June. In addition, on 15th June, a talk on Herbal Plants was delivered by Ms. Poorva Joshi to SI Poona. Poorva, owner of Bio Concepts, Pune – a firm working in Projects, Consulting and Training in plant conservation and sustainable development, is an energetic young woman, extremely passionate about Environmental Awareness and Education. Her talk was on the vast variety of medicinal plants and herbs available in our country and the urgent need to conserve them. She had also brought a variety of these plants to demonstrate and explain their uses in prevention and treatment of various ailments. She gave useful tips on how to grow and care for them in our own gardens and answered questions by the audience with