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Soroptimist International - Scarborough, Malton and District

Soroptimist International of Scarborough, Malton and District is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SI Scarborough, Malton and District

Welcome to Soroptimist International Scarborough, Malton & District, (SISM&D) a Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) club based in North Yorkshire. Formed in 1939, SISM&D celebrated 85 years in October 2024.

A global voluntary organisation, Soroptimist International (SI) brings together women who work tirelessly to transform the lives of women and girls. With powerful messages comes meaningful action.

This is just one way in which we do this.

In the UK as well as around the globe, women are still subject to some of the worst abuse in society, which not only includes physical abuse but also a complex array of psychological abuse too. Such abuse exists in all walks of life and leaves many women in fear of their lives.

Every SI club around the globe is committed not only to supporting women and girls who are subject to such abuse, but to its eradication. We still have a long way to go. We have no intention of giving up.

Our club members embrace the values of SIGBI and support local projects that Empower, Educate and Enable women and children at home and all over the world, to improve their lives. We do so using Action, Advocacy and Awareness.

The work we do is varied and is undertaken on the basis of Programme Action Projects which support the SI Mission and Vision.

In Scarborough Malton & District we:

Provide ongoing support to EVA Women’s Aid – an organisation that provides assistance to women and children who have been subject to long term abuse. Having previously sponsored a new flat we have made a commitment to replacing essentials such as small electrical items, bedding etc. as necessary and in a timely fashion. To find out more please click here.

We also support both Westway Open Arms Foodbank and Community Centre  in Scarborough and Ryedale/Malton Foodbank, and we work closely with the Jacob’s Well Appeal to help children with cerebral palsy live a better life in Ghana. To find out more please click here.

We hold a club meeting at Ganton Village Hall just off the A64 every second Monday of the month. From 7.00pm – 9.00pm. During the winter months, of January and February we hold these meetings on Zoom.

If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved then why not contact me or complete the Contact Us form on this website.

We look forward to hearing from you.


SISM&D Communications Officer

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