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Soroptimists go ‘Virtual’ at Conference

In a first for Soroptimist International, Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI), a two-day conference brought 1,000 members to a ‘virtual’ Belfast.

Full reports on the keynote speakers, including Lady Hale and Jane Garvey – and all the other events – are on the conference webpages.

SI South Lancashire featured in a session on membership. It focused on staying connected and supporting each other during these difficult times. Anne Grimes (Region Membership Officer) contributed a presentation ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ on clubs’ activities including …

SIGBI’s Best Practice Awards are given annually for clubs’ service projects. SI Liverpool won the award in the ‘planet’ category, addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 12-15.

The change of insignia celebrations saw Yvonne Gibbon bow out after a momentous year as Region President. Leading SI South Lancashire for the next year is Josie Carter of SI Leigh and District. Josie’s theme is ‘Facing challenges, making changes, moving forward together’.