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It’s Good To Talk

South Lancashire’s Soroptimists talked – and listened – at their autumn Programme Action and Council meetings.

Chris Kelly of the charity ’Andy’s Man Club’ explained in a lively fashion about a national support network for men.

The charity runs talking groups for men who have been through a tough time, are currently going through one, or have some crisis building up in their life. Speaking from personal experience, Chris spoke about how common it is for men to face mental challenges alone, being unwilling or unable to release the pressure. The expectation is that men should ‘man up’ and not ‘open up’ to anyone.

Andy’s Man Club was established by the mother and family of a young man who took his own life. It offers a safe space where men can be comfortable to talk (or just to listen) in a room free of judgement. It’s okay to talk. To take part, there is no referral, no registration and no charge. Even the brew and biscuits are free!

Yvonne Gibbon and Denise Parker (Region Programme Action Officers) were impressed by Chris’s talk and the reaction from fellow Soroptimists. “Given the impact of male suicide on families and friends, our members found this an eye-opening session and were full of follow-up questions.”

The afternoon’s Region Council meeting highlighted the changes and challenges facing our Federation (Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland – SIGBI).

Guest speaker was Gillie O’Rourke, SIGBI President Elect. Gillie touched on the modernisation proposals and the ways in which the SIGBI Board is planning to address concerns at the Federation Conference in Edinburgh later this year.

As Acting Director of PR and Marketing, Gillie is also liaising with a PR agency which is assessing SIGBI’s current position and realistic prospects. (To forestall questions – the contract is funded by a legacy.) This is a timely opportunity to enhance our presence online and ‘on the high street’ – and get people talking about Soroptimists.

The autumn meeting was also results day. The Region’s Programme Action trophy was won by SI Liverpool for their Heart Health project in partnership with the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital. Meanwhile SI Manchester won Region President Pam’s rose bowl challenge to ‘Rise Up and Roar’ for the impact of their publicity efforts.

And a talking point – apples  galore at the SI St.Helens stall – cookers and eaters, freshly picked. Very low food miles!