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November – Harrogate, Annual Lunch, Int Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

DSCN1127 club at HEarly in November 13 members travelled to Harrogate by train & plane & car to attend the SIGBI Conference and cheer club member Kay Turner as she was installed as our Region President. Lots of photos on our Facebook page.  Other members represented the club at the Parade on Remembrance Sunday. We had made quilted cushions in partnership with our Friendship Link Club in New Zealand and these were donated to The Little Harbour the Children’s Hospice  at Penrice. Presidents Liz & Catherine hosted the Clubs Annual Lunch at a super new venue, The Lanydrock Golf & Country Club on 23rd November. Mary Jones speaking on Music for well being was the Guest Speaker. 25th November -was the Day for the Elimination of Violence of Women. The Coop kindly let us put up a display and ask members of the public to donate items that later would be given to out local Women’s Refuges. Three members joined the Candle lit vigil outside Truro Cathedral organised by WRSAC. A special ceremony, realising white balloons into the dark sky remembering the 122 women killed by a partner since Jan 2014. Our members were shown on the local TV coverage. More photos on our Facebook page. Several members also attended a coffee morning hosted by one of the local Refuges.