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September – a busy month

NM Sue HSeptember is always a busy month for the club, this year was no exception

The club welcomed new member Sue Horwell. We had a fun evening with the Lions at the White River Duck Race. Members helped with the Gorsedd Tea. Over 600 books were given away at the  Lanlivery Vintage Rally to commemorate International Literacy Day. Some competitive bidding at the Harvest Auction raised £370 for STAK. 11 members travelled to Taunton for Region President Kay’s final meeting and were very proud when she presented a cheque to WaterAid rep Keith for £2339. Several members and partners attended a Charity Dinner at Griggs in support of Cornwall Hospice Care. Local couple John & Kate Allen are taking part in a ‘banger rally’  to Salo in Italy. Driving a hearse they have called themselves the The Old Croaks and will be dressed as frogs! The Soroptimist Logo is displayed on the side of the vehicle.