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Cheese and Wine Afternoon

Cheese and Wine Afternoon

Members and friends of S I St Austell & District met this weekend at Jane and Dave’s home for a Wine and Cheese event. Club member Jane, who is also the Regional Membership Officer of the South West & Channel Islands, organised a wonderful array of cheeses, savouries and relishes along with a wide selection of wines, to raise funds for ‘Mummy’s Star’. A unique charity which gives support to women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy or within 12 months of giving birth.
This ‘summertime’ event was a welcome opportunity to ‘eat, drink and be merry’ whilst enjoying the pretty gardens at Jane and Dave’s home. £350 has been raised so far with donations still coming in. Members are looking forward to welcoming a representative from Mummy’s Star at their October Club meeting, when monies will be presented to the charity. Presidents Diane and Kay thanked Jane and husband Dave for their hard work and support in organising this event. Jane was presented with a sunflower bouquet, which is Jane’s favourite flower.
Joint Presidents Diane Walker and Kay Turner
President Kay Turner, Dave Bridges, Jane Bridges and President Diane Walker
Soroptimist St Austell and District group photo
Soroptimist St Austell and District group photo
Soroptimist St Austell and District group photo
Soroptimist St Austell and District group photo
Elaine Burgess, President Diane Walker and Sandra Heyward
Soroptimist St Austell and District group photo