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September Activities

DSCN1033 beach webOne of our busiest months see our Facebook page for lots of photos

Early in the month was the White River Duck Race with the Lions in the Pentewan Valley raising money for WaterAid – the Government matched our donation. We had a stall at Lanlivery Fayre and gave out 500 books. President of SI Tiverton & Vice President of the Region Daphne Dowsing was a speaker at our supper meeting, she told us about her Grant of Friendship visit to Japan to meet with Tiverton’s Friendship Link club and others. Pam and her husband hosted a curry night for new and prospective new members at her home. On 22nd September, the club undertook the Annual MCS beach clean and survey of Charlestown beach. we have been cleaning a beach in St Austell since 1999. We marked the International Dayof Peace by trying to light candles on the beach, writing PEACE in the sand and taking a photo.