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Busy November

DSCN2394 weba11 club members attended the SIGBI Conference in Glasgow and cheered Kay as she handed over the Region Presidents Regalia to Di Steele. Kay has been a wonderful Region President and raised the profile of Soroptimist, our club and the Region.  She certainly lived up to her motto ‘Where there is a Woman there is a way’.  Wendy stood down as Federation Councillor after 4 years in the post. Presidents Jane & Maggie arranged to be part of the Remembrance Day Parade in Glasgow’s George Square  whilst Soroptimists in St Austell laid a wreath on behalf of the club. Back Home At our November business meeting we welcomed Pauline Giles of Busom Buddies into our club as our newest member. we attended the CWRT coffee morning handing over a cheque for £100 to the Uniform Fund and 4 dressing gowns. A second Refuge received a similar sum. Members spent a crafty afternoon at Maggie’s making decorations for our Tree in Bodmin Church next month. Jean hosted a ‘Come Dine with Me’ evening, a new fundraising venture for the club. On 25th November, The  International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, Libby organised at ASDA St Austell a collection of non perishable goods and toiletries for Women in our local Refuges. The public was incredibly generous, hundreds of pounds worth of goods were collected and £80 in cash. The items have been divided between the 2 Refuges with £40 each for craft items for the children. Finally the club celebrated its 38th birthday ( a few months early) at a Dinner Dance at Lanhydrock Golf Club the anniversary of its Charter is actually in February.

Follow the link to our Facebook page for lots of photos