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Soroptimist St Austell and District at St Austell Community Day

Soroptimist St Austell and District at St Austell Community Day

As a service organisation, SI St Austell were invited by Julian Young, the Town Mayor, to support this year’s community event by providing a cake stall, to help on ‘the human fruit machine game’ and also to help on a craft stall.
As always, members came up trumps with an abundance of cakes and bakery items to sell on the day, with proceeds going to the Mayor’s charity, Kernow Young Carers.
Colin Hamilton, member Maggie’s husband, who is deputy Mayor, also assisted and contributed to the day.
The Club were delighted to be a part of the hugely popular and successful day in the town.
Catherine Hannaford, Rowena Castillo-Nicholls, President Kay Turner, Maggie Hamilton and Mersedeh Proctor
President Kay Turner, Mersedeh Proctor, Heather Bishop, Deputy Mayor of St Austell Colin Hamilton, Maggie Hamilton, Rowena Castillo-Nicholls and Catherine Hannaford
Maggie Hamilton and President Kay Turner