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September 2 new members

September 2 new members


We welcomed Pam & Jennifer as new members. We gave Saffron, a physics undergraduate, an educational bursary.  We took part in the International Day of Peace event in Truro and in the UKPAC & UK Modern Slavery Training group questionnaire seeking how much the public know about MDS. The results from clubs all over the UK will be collated and reported at the SIGBI Cardiff Conference at the end of October. Members also took part in the annual Marine Conservation Society beach clean & survey this time of Charlestown beach. The club  has been committed to this for over 20 years.

August 2017

August 2017


Summer BBQ at Libbys to raise funds for the education of a young girl in the Philippines. Club visit to Truro Magistrates Court and presentation of cheque to Look Good Feel Better. Display at Penryn Town Fair.

June 2017

June 2017


The club helped local nursing student woman Kathryn Goddard with funding for her 12 week trip to Sierra Leonne with Y care International.  20 UK youngsters will work alongside 20 local young people in projects that help young people improve their future and avoid poverty and disadvantage. We hope Kathryn will report back to us. The purely social event of the month was a boat trip out of Falmouth. The club supported the Penrice Hospital League of Friends with a Cornish Goodies raffle at the Fete. meanwhile 14 members attended the Region AGM and friendship weekend. Speakers were Federation President Ann Hodgson, The Right Revd Dame Sarah Mullally DBE,  Past Federation President Maureen Maguire and Past International President Ann Garvie. 

May 2017 Invictus Trust – Look Good Feel Better

May 2017 Invictus Trust – Look Good Feel Better


Joint Presidents Mary & Angela launched The Invictus Trust as the Presidents Charity for the year at a supper evening at The Britannia. Sadly our minutes secretary Carole passed away suddenly and members attended a celebration of her life.  Sandra and Annette attended a Buckingham Palace Garden Party. We met up with the ladies of St Stephen WI and at the end of the month Kay organised a Spring Fayre at Lanjeth Village Hall for Look Good Feel Better

Annual General Meeting 2017

Annual General Meeting 2017


Wendy & Sue officially handed over the Office of President to Angela & Mary, All the Officers had submitted reports on the work of their committees during the club year. Treasurer Barbara presented the club accounts. Over £3000 was raised for Mid Cornwall Women’s Refuges, the Autumn Fayre being the main fundraiser followed by a Fashion Show, Barn Dance and Harvest Auction. The club also supported the Federation Project The Menu Women’s Garden project, SI Int Press appeal – Educating women in Nepal, Sponsored a girl in the Philippines through The Purple Community Fund, purchased menstrual cups for a charity in Tanzania and  Shelterbox and 6 Kiva loans, closer to  home Cornwall Hospice Care, St Austell Library, St Austell BID, Hospital League of Friends, Race for Life,

April 2017 Amy Peake

April 2017 Amy Peake


Amy as one of our Unsung Heroine Award winners spoke to the members before the AGM about her work to set up a factory in a refugee camp in Jordan to manufacture sanitary and incontinence pads and give employment to women