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November – two more members

November – two more members


We were delighted to have Julie McFeat & Liz Frier (Transfer from Bristol) join the club. We heard from Kerry about the Open Mentoring Scheme for Women in the Criminal Justice System based in Bodmin. We made  donation to their Women in Crisis Fund. The Autumn Craft Fair was a fundraiser for Kernow Young Carers and The Invictus Trust. Members helped with the towns Torchlight Parade and we had a Chocolate stall during the first Late Night Christmas shopping evening. Our President and members were present at the Remembrance Day Parade. A fun Quiz night was held at Porthpean Golf Club. Kay & Wendy as joint Region Presidents organised the November Region meeting in Torquay with a Red Box Presentation and speakers from our county, Toni Dowrick (Environmental activist) and Carly Daniels of The National Lobster Hatchery. 25th November was the Day for the Elimination

October -expansion of the Red Box Scheme. Annual Charter Lunch. Liverpool SIGBI Conference

October -expansion of the Red Box Scheme. Annual Charter Lunch. Liverpool SIGBI Conference


Jenny and her committee really got the Red Box Scheme under way with large red collection boxes in Launceston, Bodmin and St Austell and red boxes delivered to schools. Emma Bray gave us an update. Speakers from Kernow Young Carers showed us a video made by the young people  reinforcing why we are supporting them. President Elect Sandra and her sister joined the Banger Charity Rally and successfully drove their pasty & soroptimist logo decorated banger to Gibraltar. For the first time in our 40 years we held our Annual Charter Lunch in October at The Cornwall. Speaker was Local vet Tamsin Martyn.  Also on the top table were Region President Daphne Dowsing and Lion President Michael Collins. We welcomed Beverley Sullivan as new member. At the end of the month 11 members went to Liverpool for the SIGBI conference for an interesting and

September – Club Meeting at Eventide Care Home

September – Club Meeting at Eventide Care Home


A really busy month for the club. Cream Teas at Sylvia’s for the Olive Branch Foundation, Holding our club meeting at Eventide Care home and meeting 2 residents who were once Soroptimists. The Duck Race with the Lions down the White River, ticket sales to WaterAid. Two days at Lanlivery Rally giving away over 700 books to mark international Literacy Day. Our Annual participation in the Marine Conservation Beachclean & survey, this time at Charlestown. A first for the club was our participation in the Radio Cornwall General Knowledge Quiz against a team from Devon. Everyone enjoyed the Pig Racing night at the Western Inn fundraising for sponsorship for Sandra who is undertaking the Gib or Bust Banger Rally for Mount Edgecumbe Hospice. Our first 2 red boxes have gone to local schools and the club did a lively presentation on our Kiva loans in

July – Charity Golf Day, Race for Life, Carol Jennings Award

July – Charity Golf Day, Race for Life, Carol Jennings Award


We had a visit from Lucy Ainsley- Clough who told us about her volunteering in Sierra Leone for an Educational Charity, Ladies from Cass+ told us of the help and support they give people  in the Magistrates  courts. We welcomed new member Jeanette Gay. The Charity Golf Day at Porthpean GC was a huge success, Members took part in the Race for Life event in Truro on a very hot day, we were invited to have a display as part of the Charlestown Flower Festival and the very first Carol Jennings Awards were given two youngsters at Pondhu School.

June- Region AGM in Tiverton. walking Treasure Hunt. Hospital Fete

June- Region AGM in Tiverton. walking Treasure Hunt. Hospital Fete


We also had a visit from Barbara Hawkins BEM one of our Unsung Heroines. and club long service certificates were presented to members. Mary received one from SIGBI for 50 years as a Soroptimist. A large group of members, some with partners had a fun time at the Region AGM in Tiverton, interesting speakers catching up with old friends, making new ones.  Sandra organised the Treasure Hunt around the town, which we looked at in new light and learnt some interesting facts. We have supported the League of Friends Hospital Fete since our beginnings.  President Brenda organised for us to have some special Suffragette T shirts