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The President’s Message

Teamwork Makes Dreams
Come True

I am delighted and honoured to be your President for the forthcoming year and to have the opportunity to thank President Kathleen Tuddenham for an extremely interesting and enjoyable year. I would also like to thank the Executive Officers for their hard work and diligence during President Kath’s year.

I am taking over as President during an unprecedented time across the UK and the world. The Coronavirus has impacted on how our members will function as a club and as a result, we will be a virtual club for a few months.

As a team of like-minded women, I am confident that we can rise to this challenge and be creative in how we move forward during this coming year.

My charity will be St Benedict’s Hospice which serves the people of Sunderland. During this unprecedented time, charities like St Benedict’s Hospice will be greatly affected as we will not be able to raise funds, initially, in the normal way.

My strapline is ‘Teamwork Makes Dreams Come True’ and I am hopeful as a club we will be creative and committed to making St Benedict’s Hospice’s dream come true by being able to contribute to their much needed charity.

I have not highlighted any Programme Action activities, as yet, due to the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in. Be assured we will get involved in activities whether it’s in the virtual or later in the year the public arena.

I look forward to working with you all.

President Rosemary Jenkinson