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Soroptimist International - Trinidad and Tobago

Soroptimist International of Trinidad and Tobago is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SITT National Association of Trinidad and Tobago

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Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago (SITT) National Association is the umbrella body that unites all the Soroptimist International (SI) Clubs in Trinidad and Tobago.

There are currently seven clubs in Trinidad, namely:

SI Port of Spain, SI San Fernando, SI Chaguanas, SI Newtown, SI Esperance, SI Anaparima, SI Couva.

The SI Clubs in Trinidad fall under the Federation of Soroptimist International, Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI).

The 51st AGM of SI Trinidad and Tobago National Association, was held on the 28th of September, 2024 at the California Youth Development Centre.

Congratulations to Dennise Demming, President and her newly installed Executive team for the term 2024-2025.

President Dennise advised that her theme during her term of office will be “Empowering Women, Transforming Communities”

Guest speaker Dr Gabrielle Hosein, Institute of Gender and Development Studies, UWI, St. Augustine gave an informative address on Teenage Sexuality & Access to Medical Care.

We extend our appreciation and thanks to outgoing President Christine Cole for her excellent leadership and invaluable contribution made during her tenure. We also extend our sincere gratitude to the outgoing officers who served well over a 2-year term of office:- Sandra Black-Boxill, Carolyn James and Meera Gopaul.

We wish the new Executive team all the best for a very productive and successful term of office.

The Executive team’s term of office becomes effective following the SI Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Conference which is carded for the period 1st – 3rd November 2024.

Hereunder is the link to all the pictures taken during the AGM. You are welcome to visit our Facebook page for details of the speakers at the AGM.…/

A special address was given by Sandra Dieffenthaller, former Immediate Past President.

Having served at Club, National, Regional and Federation levels of our Soroptimist organization, she will be stepping away from holding office at any level and will use her knowledge and experience to guide and mentor newer/younger members and leaders.

Sandra is a Soroptimist, par excellence. She is highly respected for her astute and dynamic leadership, mentorship and vast knowledge on Soroptimism shared with club members over the decades. We thank her for her unwavering commitment and invaluable contribution made throughout the years. We are grateful for her continued support in the role as mentor and guide to the new, younger members and leaders.


SITT National Association in collaboration with the Soroptimist Clubs in Trinidad stand in solidarity with all those from the Caribbean Islands affected by the devastation from Hurricane Beryl & pledge our support for recovery.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost love ones following the aftermath of the hurricane.

Soroptimist International Newtown held their Programme Action Planning Meeting on Friday 21st June, 2024.

“Energizing, fun, uplifting and very productive” were the words they used to describe their session.

“We all left feeling like we had a good Friday evening lime with sisters who are planning to CHANGE THE WORLD!! We’re “Ready for the Road” ahead with our Programme Action and we’re very excited for all our upcoming proposed projects!”

SITT National Association wish you success in all your proposed projects.

Training Session for new Executive of Soroptimist International Couva.
Sandra Dieffenthaller and Terry Amirali- Rambharat led a training session in developing policies and procedures for the new Executive of SI Couva on Saturday 22nd June 2024. They were impressed with the focus and enthusiasm of SI Couva’s members.
In Sandra’s words “Knowledge must be shared! Building capacity ensures growth of the organization”

SI Anaparima New Executive – 2024/2025

SITT National Association congratulates the newly installed Executive of SI Anaparima for 2024/2025. Best wishes to all for an enjoyable and productive year.

Meet the newly installed Executive from left to right: –
(Back row)
Rachelle Toolsie – Executive Floor Member, Reynelle Mark – Organisational Development Officer, Karen Stewart- Leon – Executive Floor Member,
Susan Umraw – Roopnarinesingh – Secretary, Kelsi Diljohn Communications Officer, Priya Sookraj – Treasurer

(Front Row)
Lorraine Accosta – Website Administrator, Angel Nyal Kungiesingh Programme Action Officer/ President Elect, Anisa Roopchand- Joseph – President, Ahhailia Ramdass – Immediate Past President/ Membership Officer


45 years of dedicated service as a Soroptimist

Congratulations and best wishes to Ursula de Castro of SI Esperance on 45 years of service as a Soroptimist. She was conferred with the title of Honorary Life Member by SITT National Association at their AGM on the 9th September 2023 in appreciation of her unwavering dedication, commitment and exceptional service.

In the picture Gemma Casimir Redman (right) President of Si Esperance makes a presentation to Ursula de Castro (left)


New Executive Team of SI Esperance 2024-2025

Congratulations to the newly installed Executive team of SI  Esperance for the year 2024-2025. Best wishes for an enjoyable and productive year.


SITT National Association extends congratulations and a warm welcome to Keisha, Tricia, Erricia, Racheal, Sacha and Ayanna, new members of SI Couva who were inducted at their AGM on the 27th April, 2024.
Sandra Dieffenthaller from SI San Fernando (sponsor club of SI Couva) is flanked by the following inductees: –
On the left:- Keisha Sirjuesingh, Tricia Burke, Erricia Bailey
On the right :Racheal Jagessar, Sacha Kim, Ayanna Miguel

New Executive team of SI Couva 2024-2025

SITT National Association extends congratulations to the newly elected Executive of SI Couva. Best wishes for an enjoyable and productive year 2024-2025.
Standing Left to Right:-
Alicia Gayle-Samuel – Executive Floor Member, Ayanna Miguel – Executive Floor Member, Michelle Sukdeo – Programme Action Officer, Tricia Burke – Vice President, Shada Chandler – President Elect
Tahira Ahmad – President;Marsha Serattan – Secretary,Sacha Kim – Membership Officer, Racheal Jagessar – Membership Officer, Naima Mohammed – Communications Officer, Keisha Sirjuesingh – Communications Officer
Kerryl-Lynn King -Henry – Immediate Past President ( joined us virtually )
Christine Beepath – Treasurer (not present)

New Executive team of SI San Fernando 2024-2025

Congratulations to the newly installed Club Executive  of Si San Fernando for the year 2024-2025. Wishing them all the best for an enjoyable and productive year.

(Left to Right):

Secretary & Communications Officer – Crystal Rahaman; Membership & Organizational Development Officer – Terry Amirali-Rambharat;Immediate Past President – Renata Ramsaywak-Lalla;Vice President – Cindy Seemungal;President – Leigh-Anne Koylass-Shand;President Elect – Lisa Teewarie-Sankar;Floor Member – Anna-Lisa Wallace;Floor Member – DeNyssa Christom-Furlonge

Absent: Programme Action Officer – Arlene Wilkes;Treasurer – Jenelle Parks;


Welcome to our New Inductees.

On Sunday we inducted 4 new members to SIAN Club.

Raise a glass as we welcome (left to right in the picture) Kavita Maharaj, Karen Stewart- Leon, Ishani Ramsaroop & Kelsi Diljohn with our current President Ahhalia Ramdass.

Cheers to continuing to Educate, Empower & Enable women and girls.

Soroptimist International Newtown, New Executive Team

SITT National Association congratulates the new Executive team of Soroptimist International Newtown (SINT) following their AGM on the 20th of April, 2024 and wish them an enjoyable and productive year.

Seated from L-R: Abena Hartley – Executive Floor Member, Kristy Alexander- Secretary, Marissa Bubb- President, Chevonne Agana- President Elect, Jada-Lee Condappa Lewis- Executive Floor Member

Standing from L-R: Jimmianne Warner- Communications Officer, Nneka St. Rose- Membership Officer, Cherise St. Vincent- Treasurer, Kyra McGowan Santana- Programme Action Officer


SI Chaguanas Welcomes 5 New Members

Welcoming five incredible women into our SI Chaguanas family! Here they are, receiving their Soroptimist pins from our inspiring Immediate Past President, Bernadine, and their membership certificates from our esteemed club Secretary and President of the SI National Association, Christine.

Welcome, Sasha, Merle, Valini, Jada and Chandra.

Let’s continue on this journey of service and sisterhood together!

SI Chaguanas New Executive for the year 2024/2025

Exciting times ahead! SI Chaguanas is pleased to introduce our dynamic new Executive team at our 15th Annual General Meeting on April 13. Here are our new executive team members, ready to lead with passion and dedication!

In picture, from left are:

Christine and Anneela, Secretaries; Nalini, Communications Officer; Claire, Programme Action Officer; Sasha, Membership Officer, Laura, President; Amalia, President Elect; Ingrid, Vice President; Aretha, Treasurer; Jennie, Membership Officer; Bernadine, Immediate Past President.

Together, we’re ready to empower, inspire and make a meaningful impact in the lives of women and girls.

At the recently held AGM of SIPOS, we were honoured to have in attendance, Christine Cole, President of SITT National Association and Ahhalia Ramdass, President of SI Anaparima, Vice President of SITT National Association and Federation Consultative Councillor.

In the picture from (l-r)

Ahhalia, Donna (newly elected President of SIPOS) and Christine


SI Port of Spain is delighted to welcome on board 4 new members who were inducted at its AGM held on the 10th Aprill, 2024.

(L-R) Oleisa Scott, Jamila James, Caroline Grant and Wanda Chesney.

They were presented with their certificates by Christine Cole, President of the SITT National Association and received their Soroptimist pins from our newly elected President, Donna Scoon Moses.

We wish them all the best.


Congratulations to President Donna Scoon Moses and her new Executive team. The members of the new executive in pictures flanking the President are Caroline Grant – Programme Action Officer, Carolyn James – President Elect, Dr. Wanda Chesney – Communications Officer, Culleen Ramdass Layne – Membership Officer and Patricia Adams – Treasurer.
Absent from the picture are Cathyan Townsend, Secretary and Girlie Sulaman, Immediate Past President.
Let’s welcome the President and the new Executive for Soroptimist International Port of Spain for the 2024-2025 term.

Soroptimist International Port of Spain

Soroptimist International San Fernando

Soroptimist International Esperance

Soroptimist International Anaparima

Soroptimist International Newtown

Soroptimist International Chaguanas

Soroptimist International Couva

Christine Cole, President of SITT National Association presents the Charter Certificate to Dr. Sharda Maharaj-Ramjattan, Principal of the Parvati Hindu Girls College.

Congratulations to SI Esperance on the charter of their first school club in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. A proud moment indeed.

On Friday 26th January 2024, history was made as Parvati Girls Hindu College became the first Soroptimist International School Club to be Chartered, not just in Trinidad and Tobago but in the English speaking Caribbean. The sponsor club, Soroptimist International Esperance (SIE) hosted the official proceeding at the School’s compound, where thirty-five students will now and forever be classified as the founding members of Soroptimist International Parvati Girls’ Hindu College.

Soroptimist International, Trinidad and Tobago (SITT) joins with Soroptimist Internatinal Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) members throughout the Federation in congratulating Pat Carruthers on being conferred Honorary Membership. A Trinidadian by birth, Pat has made our National Association very proud through her long and meritorious service to our organization. We have always been happy to have her attend our meetings and events on her frequent visits to her homeland and we thank her for her service and leadership.


SITT National Association extends happy anniversary greetings and best wishes to Soroptimist International Couva on the occasion of their 2nd Anniversary. Keep up the good work Sisters

Celebrating 65 Years of dedicated service and friendship

SITT National Association extends congratulations and best wishes to SI Port of Spain who commemorated their 65th anniversary of their inauguration with a Thanksgiving Mass at the Chapel of Ease, Anglican Church, Maraval on Sunday 14th January 2024. Following the mass, there was a sharing of refreshments with our sister members and parishioners which were well received and appreciated.

There are other events planned during the year to mark this auspicious occasion. These will be advised in due course.

We say a special thanks to our Soroptimist Sisters who joined us as well as to the priest and parishioners of Chapel of Ease.

Following the sharing of refreshments, SI Port of Spain members had a very productive meeting discussing the way forward regarding projects and fundraisers for 2024.


SITT National Association extends congratulations and best wishes to our SI Esperance on their 5th Anniversary. Keep up the good work SIE Sisters!

SITT National Association extends congratulations and best wishes to our SI Anaparima sisters on their 5th Anniversary. Keep up the good work Sisters!

Happy 61st Anniversary to SI San Fernando. Giving thanks for 61 years of dedicated service and friendship. Keep up the good work sisters.


Congratulations and best wishes to Ruth Healey from SI Surrey Hills who was installed as the new Federation President of Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) on the 4 November 2023 at the (SIGBI) Conference in London. We wish her a successful term in office.

Cathy Cottridge, Immediate Past President, presented Ruth with the Chain of Office.

Ruth will be in office for the next two years. In her speech she mentioned how lucky she is because she has choices she can make.

“Soroptimism is about the women and girls who don’t have choices. On our own we cannot change the world for women, but we need to be part of that change. There are 70,000 members around the world. that is a powerful position, and we need to partner with others who are striving for the same goal.”

Read all about it here:-

SITT National Association extends congratulations and best wishes to SI Newtown on the occasion of their 13th Anniversary. Keep up the good work Sisters

SITT Receives a Programme Action Award at SIGBI Conference in London 2023

Christine Cole, President of Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago (SITT) receives the SIGBI Programme Action Award on behalf of SITT at the SIGBI Conference in London the 3rd and 4th November, 2023. SITT were the runner up in the category Peace and SDG 5 Gender Equality. The project was the Imagine Art Competition which was conceptualized by SI Newtown and adopted and executed on a national level by SITT with most SI Clubs in Trinidad participating.

This competition was a celebration of International Women’s Day, whose theme was #embraceequity. Art pieces were submitted by more than 100 students which were displayed at the National Library of Trinidad and Tobago which saw many members of the general public visiting to view the artwork.

From L-R Cathy Cottridge, President of SIGBI presents Christine Cole, President of SITT with the Certificate Award.

Programme Action Awards-

Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) London Conference 2023

People and SDG 3 Health

Congratulations to Runner up – Soroptimist International Newtown, Trinidad and Tobago

Project: Mammogram Campaign

SI Newtown, Trinidad and Tobago, raised awareness and understanding about breast cancer risk, specifically early intervention tools and overall breast health awareness, in addition to allaying the fears of women on the “discomfort” associated with getting a mammogram done

Congratulations also to the Winner in this category- Soroptimist International Madurai-  Project: Anaemia Awareness Campaign

Sister Soroptimists from Barbados

Soroptimist Sisters from Barbados and Christine Cole, President of SITT (to the extreme right) at the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Conference in London.

Trinidad Contingent at SIGBI Conference in London

Our Trinidad contingent at the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Conference in London from the 3rd to 4th November 2023.

L-R Bebe Ajodha (SI San Fernando),Christine Cole (President of SITT National Association and Immediate Past President of SI Chaguanas) Sheila Hassanali (SI Esperance)


Soroptimist International clubs of Trinidad and Tobago

Friendship Day 8th October, 2023

Theme: The People Who Came

Sandra Dieffenthaller, Immediate Past President of Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago (SITT National Association) extends greetings to SI club members on behalf of Christine Cole, President of SITT, who was unable to attend.

Highlights of the Soroptimist International Clubs of Trinidad and Tobago’s wonderful representations of “The People who came” which was the theme for Friendship Day hosted by SI Chaguanas on the 8th October, 2023 at Holy Faith Convent, Couva. It was an infusion of amazing and scintillating portrayals of the countries each club was assigned.

SITT National Association congratulates SI Chaguanas for a well organized and fun- filled Friendship Day.


Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago National Association Executive for the year 2023-2024

L-R Meera Gopaul-Honorary Secretary, Dennise Demming-President Elect,  Christine Cole-President, Carolyn James-Communications and Website Officer, Rachelle Toolsie-Honorary Treasurer, Bernadine Warrick-Wilson- Membership and Organisation Development Officer, Sandra Dieffenthaller-Immediate Past President

Absent from picture- Ahhalia Ramdass-Vice President and Federation Consultative Councillor, Terry Amirali Rambharat-Membership and Organisation Development Officer, Sandra Black-Boxill-Program Action Committee Chair

The Executive positions become effective following the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Conference which runs from the 3rd to 4th November 2023.

Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago National Association held its “Golden” Annual General Meeting on the 9th September 2023 at the Royal Hotel, San Fernando.

SITT National Association extends warm greetings to SI Chaguanas on their 14th Anniversary. 14 years of dedicated service. Keep up the good work.

Soroptimist International – Conference in Dublin 27th- 29th July, 2023

Representatives at UN Centres in New York, Geneva, Rome, Paris, Bangkok, Nairobi and Vienna

Soroptimist International – Conference in Dublin 27th- 29th July, 2023

Representatives at UN Centres in New York, Geneva, Rome, Paris, Bangkok, Nairobi and Vienna

Our Trinidad delegates at the SI Conference in Dublin

L-R Sandra Dieffenthaller (SISF), Girlie Sulaman (SIPOS), Renata Ramsaywak Lalla (SISF), Nalini Rajballie (SIC),Donna Scoon Moses (SIPOS) and in front Denise Demming (SINT)

SI San Fernando Delegates

Renata Ramsaywak Lalla and Sandra Dieffenthaller in front of SI San Fernando’s Display of their “Patches of Peace” Quilt.


SI Port of Spain Delegates
Donna Scoon Moses-Program Action Officer
Girlie Sulaman- President

SI Esperance – Display of their posters at the Conference



SI Chaguanas display of their poster “Let’s plant trees, Let’s Plant vegetables”


SI San Fernando’s display of their global  “Patches of Peace” quilt


Christiana-Li Miguel from Holy Name Convent 2nd place winner from SI Newtown and also in the SITT National judging stands next to her wonderful art piece which shows her creativity and critical thinking in tandem with the theme of the competition.

Naomi Adams from Bishop Anstey High School East winner in 1st Place from SI Port of Spain Club and overall winner from the SITT National Association judging. Naomi is in the middle flanked by her parents who are so proud and elated by her achievements. Above Naomi is her wonderful painting and synopsis which showed not only her creativity but critical thinking in tandem with the theme of the art competition

Winners in the Junior Category of the SITT National Association judging of the IMAGINE School Art Competition stand next to their lovely paintings

(From L-R) Naomi Mc Donald-Holy Name Convent, Point Fortin (Second Place winner ) and Samara Saroop -San Fernando Central Secondary- First Place Winner

Presentation of prizes to SITT National Association Winners of the IMAGINE School Art Competition at the Rotunda, National Library and Information Services Authority (NALIS) on the 3rd April, 2023.

(From L-R) Christine Cole, President of the SITT National Association, Naomi Mc Donald- Holy Name Convent Point Fortin Second Place in the Junior Category (Nyla Kungiesingh from SI Anaparima is standing in for her) Naomi Adams from Bishops Anstey High School East, First Place in the Senior category, Samara Saroop-, San Fernando Central, First Place in the Junior category, Christiana-Li Miguel-Holy Name Convent, Second Place in the Senior Category, Sandra Boxill, Program Action Officer, SITT.

Excellent work SI Clubs on the IMAGINE school art exhibition

We applaud SI Newtown for initially conceptualizing the IMAGINE School art competition which was broadened to the national level with other local SI clubs adopting the project in recognition of International Women’s Day 2023.

Also, on the great work they did for their Butterfly project featured in today’s Guardian


A powerful and insightful message from a long-standing Soroptimist, Sandra Dieffenthaller, Immediate Past President of SITT National Association on International Women’s Day

SITT buries a Time Capsule

On Wednesday, December 29th, 2021, Soroptimist International National Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SITT) buried a Time Capsule at 15 Nepaul Street, St. James.

The Time Capsule contains items from seven local Soroptimist Clubs that comprise SITT — SI Port of Spain, SI San Fernando, SI Chaguanas, SI Newtown, SI Anaparima, SI Esperance, and the proposed Club of SI Couva, which will be chartered in January 2022.

The items represent our hopes for future Soroptimists of Trinidad and Tobago, and shares memories that capture the essence of Soroptimism as it exists now in Trinidad and Tobago.

Our Time Capsule commemorates one hundred years—1921 to 2021—of Soroptimist International internationally. It will be unearthed on December 29th, 2071, fifty years from now.

SITT’s SI Centenary Supplement

In celebration of SI’s Centenary, on Sunday, July 25th, 2021, SITT published a 24-page newspaper supplement with the Guardian Newspaper, Trinidad.

To read the entire supplement, click on the link below to access our FlipBook: